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My career has taken a new step beyond my skill, I like it but would like some advice.
bi22le - 19/5/11 at 06:27 PM

Hi all.

I am in the very lucky position of now being involved with the R & D in my company, I know its all very exciting!

I have already developed a few products and they have done well. Due to this the company is listening to me and the directors take note of all of my comments. The problem is that now I want to and feel that the next step is to try and reshape the R & D department (if you can call it that) and the methods we use as a company to travel from conceptual design to production and product release.

Now I have not studied anything like this before (HNC electronic engineering) and have very little idea (other than instinct) about project management, product design, testing and development. Is there any must read books that would teach me how to head up an R & D team? I would like to know the following and all involved around it.

How to approach a new design.
Project management surrounding product development this include conceptual, feasibility testing, RD budgets, product testing and probably alot more!
The general evolutionary stages that must be undertaken to produce a good quality product.
Anything else product project development management related.

So, I ask, is there any good or must read books that can help me along my way. I am not degree educated and nor are the key employees of my company. So by studying further I have the potential to really make a difference. A degree or day release is out of the question. I am doing this further studying in my own time to develop myself and help build a company that one day I hope to direct and run.

I welcome any questions and advice,



David Jenkins - 19/5/11 at 06:43 PM

Do you have a good relationship with your senior management?

If you went to them with a sensible proposal for the changes, could one of them be your guide and mentor to carry the work through? In other words, you do the work but with someone to bounce ideas off, and to offer you advice based on their managerial experience.

If you can find the right person then you AND the company should benefit. It would also make your manager look good in the eyes of his/her manager.

[Edited on 19/5/11 by David Jenkins]

alexg1965 - 19/5/11 at 07:39 PM

We use a version of PRINCE2 at my company (I work in a large R&D for an FMCG). I wouldn't say I'm the greatest fan of all of its bureaucracy but there are some key aspects that are essential IMHO. These are

1. Writing down a Project Initiation Document (PID) that defines the objective(s), scope, constraints,etc which is agreed by the "company" and most importantly by the customer/user (maybe your marketing director).
2. Breaking down the project into manageable stages with agreed action standards between each stage. It is easier to develop a Gannt chart for these smaller stages to create an overall timeline for the project.
3. Defining what is meant by quality - what does success look like.
4. Writing down the major risks to delivering the project and how they will be mitigated, if at all.

If you buy the book or go on a training course, it appears quite daunting because it uses its own set of jargon and if completely implemented, almost requires its own department to manage it. The key is to pick out the useful bits. It's surprising how useful it is just to write down the project objective and agree it with your boss.

But I'm sure there are many other project management tools that would be equally applicable.

If you want, I could knock up a template for you. Send me a u2u with your e-mail address if you're interested.

Alternatively watch the Apprentice to see how not to do it!

bi22le - 19/5/11 at 07:39 PM

I have a good relationship yes. I am essentially one or two below directorship.

Mentoring is a new thing for my company and there is not really a platform in place for this to happen. Due to being so close to the top everybody is soo busy. My line manager is good to bounce ideas off of but he is new to that position and knows little about project management and design evolution. Upto this year he has been doing the same thing as me.

TBH my company is really home grown and young with this current phase of directorship only being the second ownership of the company. The previous owner started the company and grew it as much as he could but one man can only do so much when he dont allow others to take control.

This is why I have such an opportunity, the formal education level and out of business experience is not that good. The 3 directors have a business manager to help them from taht end of things and they have bags of initiative between them. I want to raise the game in product development and design. This is where I feel my company needs to raise its game.

External education is the only way really, and full time courses are obviously a no go.

Thanks in advance


swanny - 19/5/11 at 08:03 PM


i work for a university and spend most of my time working with businesses just like yours that are trying to move their r&d on to the next level. the scheme i spend most of my time on is nationally run and allows businesses to get around £85-90k to fund a full time staff member and experts from the uni.

there will be any number of other opportunities with gov funding to help if you are interested, or i can put you in touch with someone at your local uni.


austin man - 19/5/11 at 08:20 PM

have a look at the Business balls website there is a bit on project management on there complete with templates etc

britishtrident - 19/5/11 at 08:27 PM

Just beyond your experience probably not beyond your skills, the fact you are not frightened to ask for guidance shows they have picked the right guy for the job.

MikeR - 19/5/11 at 08:40 PM

i'm prince 2 registered practitioner (just reregistered). Prince if implemented incorrectly is a nightmare. If done properly it will be an inconvenience but the extra effort pays huge dividends. The current version (2009) has sections on customising and scaling it to your business. If you where local i'd spend an hour or two with you explaining it but its a bit much via email.

RK - 19/5/11 at 08:52 PM

I agree with Britishtrident. The bosses usually know what they are looking for, and even if you don't really think you are up to it, they do. This is a great chance.

richmars - 19/5/11 at 09:14 PM

If you have the time, the Open University module on Project Management is well worth it. If you don't, just remember that (in my view) project management is also people management. Keep everyone informed, ask for their views, contributions etc. Think how you would feel if told how long a task you had to do would take.
The fact that you're looking for advice suggests to me you're doing ok.

Alan B - 19/5/11 at 10:20 PM

Agreeing with BT and RK, you seem far better equipped for the position than perhaps you think you are. Carry on being careful, sounding out others, picking up knowledge and you'll be fine.


bi22le - 21/5/11 at 12:39 AM

Cheers for all of the advice.

Can any one tell me the essential topics that are in a project framework? I guess it is something like:

production design analysis

Can anyone confirm or add?



v8kid - 21/5/11 at 05:19 AM

I did the diploma in design at the OU and it was fantastic. My background was as a design manager with a utility company and I learnt a huge ammount. You can check out the first few parts of the module on open learning for free I you need reassurance.
Don't get me wrong it's hard work but absorbing and worthwhile.
Good luck

T66 - 21/5/11 at 06:34 AM

I know nothing about business management, R&D (which might be a genre of music?) but I also know.....

Alan Sugar knows nothing about electronics - Yet he has people around him he trusts to R&D, to sell, to procure

While he sits and observes, and makes gut decisions based around experience. He appears to be doing quite well for not being an electronics engineer.

Bosses always know more, and appreciate the bigger picture, keep batting away, they have faith in your decision making.

And take every opportunity to expand your knowledge and expertise, bosses always notice.

Hammerhead - 21/5/11 at 11:41 AM

In the words of dave grohl - fake it till you make it!