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Xmas after dinner party games??
wombat - 23/12/12 at 08:29 PM

Ok folks, anyone got a suggestion for an after dinner/during dinner game on Xmas day. We seem to have exhausted the normal quiz and name game type stuff and need a change? 6 Adults range from 18 to 73(young 73) and 3 kids 3-5-7 . All with a good sense of humour, including the Mother in Law !!

steve m - 23/12/12 at 08:46 PM

Spoons crossed or un crossed?

u2u me,

cheats dont!

[Edited on 23/12/12 by steve m]

gremlin1234 - 23/12/12 at 09:08 PM



but too advanced for the 3yr old (and prob for the 5 yr old)

Benzine - 23/12/12 at 09:40 PM

rapidough is king.

flibble - 23/12/12 at 09:44 PM

^^Closely followed by pictionary

ChrisL - 23/12/12 at 09:58 PM

My favourite, probably too hard for the 3 & 5 year olds:
Charades, anyone?

steve m - 23/12/12 at 10:37 PM

Charades, is always a fav at my place
f knows why as i hate ite acting!!!!.....................

Dangle_kt - 23/12/12 at 11:34 PM

we call it RAT, but it probably has loads of names.

You all sit round, and pick an animal each, your tell everyone your animal in turn.

Then one person is ON, they get a rolled up TV mag or something and have to try and hit you on the head before you remember the name of another 'animal' in the room and shout it out - if you say the name they have to hit that person before they say another name and so on

Tends to start of pretty tame but before long has grown ups charging round trying to bonk uncles head with firmly rolled up paper while he flounders for an animals name he cant remember.

morcus - 24/12/12 at 12:03 AM

Theres always things begining with...
Pick a subject and letter and go round the table, for example Animals beginning with H and when someone can't get one they're out. You can also do it where you go up the alphabet.

A simillar game is where you have a list of things and then pick a letter at random and all write down something for that letter in each catergory, and every unique correct answer scores a point.

Thats a Christmas tradition for us along with Queen's Speech Bingo and the traditional afternoon kip.

stevegough - 24/12/12 at 07:55 AM

After dinner? Who can nap the longest!

fesycresy - 24/12/12 at 09:36 AM

Mother in law has bought me a power file.

So they can play all the games they want, I'm in the shed destroying things

russbost - 24/12/12 at 09:39 AM

Charades & Scattegories - have teams for scattegories, you'll be surprised at what youngsters can come up when you tell them what the word styarts with (tho' possibly not the 3 year old!)

MikeRJ - 24/12/12 at 11:53 AM

I often play a game I call "Collapse onto the sofa feeling stuffed" after Christmas dinner

On a slightly more serious note our favorite Christmas game is Sjoelen (pronounced Shoola) which gets dragged out after the dinner table has been cleared. We were introduced to this after being snowed in whilst staying with some friends in New Jersey many years ago, it really is a good laugh.

[Edited on 24/12/12 by MikeRJ]