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Am I allowed to do this
Padstar - 26/8/13 at 11:56 AM

I have got myself into a little pickle durring my front upper wishbone isnatllation. Where i have combined 2 designs my front upright/nose section is slightly wider at the top where the front most upper bracket is approx 4-5mm wider than the standard book dimensions.

As far as i can see it i can either have the brackets reduced in depth by this much so that they site true with the back set but i am not sure if this will then cause issues with binding on the wishbone arm when installed. The second option is to move the brackets nearer the cockpit out by 4-5mm by inserting a packer piece. This will then bring them both into line. Is theer anything wrong with bringing these out. It will make the wishbones sit approximately 10mm wider over the width of the car. If i did this then i guess i would have to move the lower set out as well so they site true top to bottom as well as left to right?

Any other ideas are deffinately welcome.

Bluemoon - 26/8/13 at 01:06 PM

Not quite sure picture might help, but in general:

Pivots should be in line to stop binding, this is true for PU bushes, rubber bushes might allow for a little misalignment..

but I would be careful about moving wishbone pivots as this will affect the geometry but small changes might not matter.


dhutch - 26/8/13 at 05:40 PM

The above sounds about right to me.

Fred W B - 26/8/13 at 06:16 PM

You are not going to affect the geometery significantly if you move the upper mounts out as you describe. If you have not yet made the wishbones just make the lower set that bit longer. If you have the lower bones already move their mounts as well.

Moving one mount in will be easier than moving 3 out, if you have the space to do that.

[Edited on 26/8/13 by Fred W B]