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removing exhaust fumes
jabbahutt - 28/10/08 at 03:52 PM

Hi all

Trying to get the emmssions sorted but the weather has been absolutley foul so the cars staying put in the garage.

I don't fancy running the engine in the garage due to the fumes and thought that I could somehow vent then out of the garage using a flexible hose like off the back of a tumble dryer etc and avoid contasct with the exhaust by using a coat hanger to form a clip to hold it on but prevent it touching.

Will this work or would I require some sort of extractor as well? I was thinking that maybe just running the engine would push the fumes down the pipe.

Any advice ot tips appreciated as I don't fancy keeling over from poisoing but also want to get these jobs crossed off so I can go for a retest.


02GF74 - 28/10/08 at 03:56 PM

the engine will pus hteh fumes out but the pipe needs to be a a good seal - the gas will take the path of least resistance which would be the gap between exhasut and your pipe.

you should be able to make a funnel out of thin aluminium sheet to connect the two.

smart51 - 28/10/08 at 04:00 PM

Exhaust gasses exit the pipe with a bit of speed. I'd imagine most would travel down a large pipe rather than turning 180° and going back into your garrage but I wouldn't like to guarantee your health.

jabbahutt - 28/10/08 at 04:05 PM

just had a potential brainwave, how about puttting akitchen/bathroom extract fan directly behind the exhuast and putting a plug on it so it can be powered from a socket.

Connect a 3m flexi duct to the fan and turn the fan on with the engine running?

That way the fumes will be sucked into the flexi duct.

would this be better or am I still likely to die a horrible death?

dhutch - 28/10/08 at 04:14 PM

Thats basicaly what we did at JCB in the rig shed.
- Its fireproof hightemp flameproof piping but that mainly just becuase things run flatout for hours and hours without anyone there so its all very much bad news for it to go up in smoke.

However if your not making it really very air tight onto the exahast you will need a fairly pokey fan.

Something like a room extractor fan proberbly wouldnt cut it, but a a set of four PC fans might work quite well (dont know about you, but i have loads kicking about sometimes) or some other fan you dont mind geting poo up.


Paul TigerB6 - 28/10/08 at 04:16 PM

Simply vent them into the house. This will guarantee you die a horrible death long before the fumes do you any harm out in the garage!!

Have you got a mobile tuner popping around later then Nigel??

maartenromijn - 28/10/08 at 04:23 PM

I don't know what you can get in the UK, but we have for about 5 euro 3 metres of ali flexible hose, diameter 100 or 125 mm. You can tape the hose directly to your exhaust with aluminium tape, airtight. Since there are no leaks, there is no need for a ventilator.

If you still feel that yo need a ventilator, you can place a ventilator inside the hose (ventilator is 12 euro).

I would place the ventilator not near the exhaust (heat). Alternatively place it at the other end of the hose or somewhere in between.

I have done my bathroom vent some months ago...

Danozeman - 28/10/08 at 04:27 PM

Youd need some pretty good hose aswell or it wil melt. I used some nice thick walled tube and it melted so im sure tumble dryer vent pipe would to.

basicaudio - 28/10/08 at 04:52 PM

Can't you just leave the garage door open?

Vindi_andy - 28/10/08 at 04:57 PM

If you used ali vent tube you could cut slots into it so that it could be clamped down onto the exhaust.

Im thinking the same for firing up the car. it a bit nesh atm so want to keep garage door shut but dont fancy dieing from hypoxia brought on by an excess of carbon monoxide

sorry chemist/biologist in me crept out there

rusty nuts - 28/10/08 at 06:30 PM

Leave the garage door open and just put the rear end of the car outside. A bit of hyperthermia is better than a dose of C.O poisoning

TOO BADD - 28/10/08 at 08:45 PM

Would give you a good nights sleep forever. Was thinking of doing the same trunking it out but without the extractor. Would also keep a canary in a cage just in case.