posted on 23/11/08 at 10:07 PM |
Lang nibbler for easy cutting sheet metal. basically if you havent seen one before. drill a hole bout 8mm to get the head of the nibbler through then
insert nibbler into drill. drill action sends blade up and down and you direct nibler with handle. great little tool. paid £43.42 for it and its got
me out of few sticky spots. still has two new blades and allen key included to swap blade. looking for bout £10 plus p&p so guess bout £13.50 all
in all.
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posted on 23/11/08 at 10:22 PM |
bugger I just got one from germany for £35... doh!
posted on 23/11/08 at 10:24 PM |
you have U2U
Who the f**K tightened this up!
posted on 24/11/08 at 12:11 AM |
2nds please if it ain't gone
Perfect planning prevents pi$$ poor performance!
posted on 24/11/08 at 10:03 AM |
machine mart sells them and they rule. Not only are they not MM brand - think it is lang - in yellow black box - but they work very well.
Brilliant for cutting sheet aluminium without marking or distortion.
thorourouroughly recommendeded.
posted on 24/11/08 at 10:40 AM |
Turner nibblers rock.
Keep the cut line oiled and they last for ages as well. I bought one at a show years ago and it's done lots of sterling work but sweep the
toenail clippings up after you or they get everywhere
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 24/11/08 at 05:38 PM |
u2u reply dorset