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A mini Adventure in a Caterham
Chappo - 7/12/06 at 08:16 PM

Hi Lads I want to tell you about my Holiday in my Caterham two years ago, I had only had the car on the road a couple of months so I was wondering if the car would be OK for such a Trip, anyway I started out for Dover with all my gear strapped on and got there for the 16.30 ferry to Calies, from Calies I headed for Oostend and nealy ran out of fuel as there are no filling stations between Calies and Oostend on the A16, so I got filled up and headed into Oostend as it was getting Dark, and down a little country road I came across two Dutch guys who had run out of petrol, in a Triumph TR3 they asked if I could take one of them into town for some fuel so I said yes and off we went. When we got into Oostend there were no filling stations open just credit card pumps but we needed a petrol can, so we ended up filling up emty water bottles that we found in the bins, anyway when we go back it was dark so I asked them if they knew of any where I could stay they took me to a biker Hotel near by, but because I was not a Biker I could not stay, but the land lord had a mate in Oostend with a hotel so he rang him and gave me diretions, but it was main road parking so I carried on to Oostkemp, where I found a Lovely hotel where I stayed for a few nights as they were having a music fess. After a few Day I carried on to Cockham in Germany just up the road from the Neurebughring which I visited, I stayed at Cockham for a few days before moving south as the weather was grotty. I went south to Lindu on Lake Constance, where my luke ran out, the Tiger Alternator bracket on my Zetec caterham came loose and lost one of the bolts which put all the strain on the top bracket which snaped, but thanks to a young German Lad who went into town and got me a bolt and some super glue I was soon back on the road, as a thank you I took him for a blat along the Lake and back. After that I pitched tent and the next day I visited Neuswanstine Castle and go some pictures of the caterham with the castle in the back ground. I also visited the Bercasgaten via the altsbugh tunnel 12 miles with the roof down, I thought I was going to pass out from the fumes, the rest of the week was spent blatting around the lake I visited the zeplin musium at Fredrckharven, and generaly had a good time Regards Paul

[Edited on 7/12/06 by Chappo]

[Edited on 8/12/06 by Chappo]

nitram38 - 7/12/06 at 08:22 PM

Do you ever draw a breath ?

Chappo - 7/12/06 at 08:53 PM

No not often im a muffdiver and I breath though my ears

nitram38 - 7/12/06 at 11:30 PM

I used to be a muffdiver until me goggles broke!!!!!!!!

NigeEss - 8/12/06 at 12:57 AM

Yep, he does take a breath........only one though

"I've got a 9" tongue and have learned to breathe through me ears"

Quote, unquote from one of the funniest guys around. PMSL first time I saw him on stage.

BusaLoco - 8/12/06 at 03:49 AM

I thought this was a "car" forum.

Syd Bridge - 8/12/06 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by NigeEss

"I've got a 9" tongue and have learned to breathe through me ears"

'I've got a tongue that's 10 inches long, and I've learned to breathe through me ears.' Kevin Bloody Wilson, at his best.

Have you got the rest of his music? Classics! 'Must have' garage/workshop music, only to be played out of earshot of the Mrs.


Peteff - 8/12/06 at 10:07 AM

I have a mate called Otto who goes on bike rallies and sometimes writes a little piece called Otto's Outings and his writing style is very similar .

iank - 8/12/06 at 10:14 AM

Still got a long way to go to get into the Guinness book of records.

GavBurns - 8/12/06 at 04:16 PM

That would have took me all day to type that with my typing finger.

Syd Bridge - 8/12/06 at 06:03 PM

If you want some real adventure stories with clubbies, go on the ozclubbies site.

There's a couple of diaries of guys driving many thousands of miles on wide open roads, averaging 100mph for hours on end!

Then there's the GACR (Great Aussie Clubman Roundup), a once a year meetup where clubbies from all over the country meet up for a weekend. Some drive a long way just to get there.
