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Locost rep year review.
pointy - 21/9/09 at 09:08 PM

At just past 3.30 pm the chequered flag fell to signal the end of another fantastic locost season, and what a season it has been, beginning here at Snetterton way back in March. Since then we have had 14 rounds and 8 different winners, of those 3 won for the first time ever, Alistair Garratt, Matt Cherrington and yesterday David Black. Other Winners were Ed Pither, Rhys Owen, Aaron Bailey, and our top 2 drivers Scott Mittell and David Bartholomew, who, coming into the last round yesterday were separated by a mere 17 points, So the championship was far from over, however try as Scott did to pull away David finished comfortably sixth which was sufficient to retain his title….

Congratulations David Bartholomew…

Notable mentions this year include our other Podium finishers (in no particular order)
Tom Coller, Richard Jenkins, James Pinkerton, Richard Dixon, Rob Palin and Simon Wood.

Vicky Pickles, Sam Bradley and Alex Von Erheim are now starting to find form and I am sure are looking to improve and move into the top 6 next year.

We welcomed 13 new Locost racers and special congratulations go to Campbell Cassidy for winning the highest place Novice award….No bad for a wee man…

The TMC driver of the day award has added an extra dimension to the racing won by many deserved individuals, aligned to the Bar-B-Q evenings I believe the locost formula is without question THE closest, friendliest and most exciting formula on the 750 calendar.

And Finally………

A massive thank you to the Committee members who have aided and supported me during this….erm…..Challenging year, Rich D for his Support and pretty much the rest of you who at some time during the year have helped me to repair my car enabling me to race.

It has been a privilege to represent you all and I hope to see you all next year.
Signing off as always,

Andy p.


Behind every man is a good Woman and my dearly beloved Elaine has been as much a part of the Locost rep role as I have…( she’s still not getting a new kitchen though!!)

[Edited on 22/9/09 by pointy]

TimC - 21/9/09 at 09:12 PM

Nice one Andy.

Richd - 22/9/09 at 08:03 AM

Yep, Well done Andy!!!

Richard Jenkins - 22/9/09 at 01:55 PM

As he's now based in California he's either too cool, or still out surfing, to say anything but.....didn't Rob Palin also get a podium (3rd at Mallory)?

Good job this year Andy, thanks for all your hard work.

Rob Palin - 22/9/09 at 02:40 PM

Like I could ever be too cool, but thanks anyway Rich! ;-)

I'm just even slower now that I'm starting 8 hours behind!

Congratulations to David Bartholomew on a well-deserved double and also to Dave Black on his maiden victory.

Thanks to Andy for all his hard for as our rep too, especially for keeping so dedicated to our well-being despite having a rough time himself. Cheers Andy, you're a true gent.

pointy - 22/9/09 at 03:22 PM

Sorry Rob Palin....Rob Palin....Rob Palin.......Nope cant say I remember him........

Only teasing and yes Mr Jenkins you are right Rob did in fact finish 3rd at Mallory, Edit in main thread to reflect this.

Andy p

blackie - 22/9/09 at 08:02 PM

Great job this year Andy - I think you definitely brought the drivers together with the end of race meeting presentations (I particularly enjoyed the last one for some reason)- hope we keep this going

Enjoy the winter everyone - It'll be March before you know it