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ZX12 speedo not working
rob2005 - 21/7/09 at 09:06 PM

Any ideas, the speedo isnt reading but when you turn the ignition on it sweeps along with the rev counter.

Rev counter works fine?

Im using the original dials from the bike. Ive checked the wiring etc and found no breaks so was thinking of replacing the speed sensor.

eccsmk - 21/7/09 at 09:09 PM

if the wiring is fine then i does sound like speed sensor
pah you dont need a speedo! i cant read mine when im driving anyway

jack_t - 21/7/09 at 09:09 PM

do u have a speedo healer
if so check the plug that goes into the healer box as ours was loose and didnt read then did read then would read wrong

rob2005 - 21/7/09 at 09:15 PM

Yes i do have a speedo healer, ive checked the plug and given it a wiggle to make sure its in etc.. but still no joy.

May dig a bit deeper before changing the sensor just to be safe.

Where is the sensor on the ZX12 engine does any one know? Im not familier with bike engines. I think i know where it is but just want to be sure

Thanks for your help so far

Flamez - 22/7/09 at 05:09 AM

it will be a 3 wire plug either coming from the gearbox or alternatively coming from the sprocket adaptor by reading magnets fixed to it.

My guess is its the latter and either the sensor has worked loose or a magnet / magnets have fell off.


rob2005 - 30/7/09 at 06:56 PM

What problems did you have with the Speedo Healer Jack_T??

I found the instructions today on how to test and reset it which i did.

It worked for 2 miles untill i stopped for fuel and it has stopped working again??

Any ideas?