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Quafe reverse box fluid colour and resevoir
rob2005 - 23/7/09 at 05:40 PM

Excuse my spelling firstly, secondly the oil in the resevoir for the box is brown???

Surely it shouldnt be this colour... how full should the resevoir be?

richardh - 23/7/09 at 06:09 PM

fluid i think is red
it has a level filler on the side - a large silver bolt.

undo and fill here til it comes out slightly.

make sure it has an overflow pipe on the top going to a catch tank.

spdpug98 - 23/7/09 at 06:12 PM

Not done much mileage in mine, but after a 50 odd mile drive, there was approx 2 table spoons worth of oil in the breather tank and when I looked again it had gone (I guess/hope back into the box)