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I like both, whats your thoughts?
bi22le - 2/11/09 at 11:16 PM

Hi all,
Looking at getting another BEC after er..... crashing mine

Whats your thoughts on these?

Main use will be driving on the roads but will include many track days to.

ReMan - 2/11/09 at 11:23 PM

Think it would be the MNR (just!)

daniel mason - 2/11/09 at 11:24 PM

you not going for the mac#1 blade any more?
mine is up for sale if you are wanting tio spend a bit more! Rescued attachment mnrbl.jpg
Rescued attachment mnrbl.jpg

prawnabie - 2/11/09 at 11:26 PM

That looks like Colins old motor - even down to the half doors!

Just checked the reg - it is colins - u2u smart51 for more info on the blue MNR

[Edited on 2/11/09 by prawnabie]

bi22le - 2/11/09 at 11:31 PM

Daniel your car is deffinatly smart but also over my budget. The other MAC 1 guy seems to be taking an age to do anything. Making me loose my trust with him. Also as per one of my other posts I have reservations about the engine. Its been run (not on track) with no sump baffle or air filters, that cant be good. If the MAC still comes back at the right price ill still go for it.

bi22le - 2/11/09 at 11:32 PM

Thanks prawn!

Chippy - 2/11/09 at 11:37 PM

Only thing I would suggest, is buy one WITHOUT a removable steering wheel, after your last sorty. Just a thought, :-) :-) Cheers Ray

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 2/11/09 at 11:55 PM

ones in ireland!

sebastiaan - 3/11/09 at 07:05 AM

MNR, I'd suspect the red Indy to be a bit tatty, since it has been raced.

Blue VortX looks better, has more power and has white wheels. Nuff said ;-)

Davey D - 3/11/09 at 08:47 AM

Personally id hold onto my money, and keep looking.

As said - the red MK is in Ireland, so its a bit of treck to get there. Personally id wait for one to come up somewhere closer.

The blue one looks quite scruffy under the bonnet. To be happy with it id have to rip it all out, and start again

TimC - 3/11/09 at 09:06 AM

Daniel's car is a total bargain at that price but if you can't afford that sort of money, I have to say I'd only go and look at the Orange Vortx for £6995 or the yellow Fury. I saw this car at Deitling and it's a nice thing.

Colin's old car isn't what it used to be...!

gixermark - 3/11/09 at 09:34 AM

I Know the Red Indy, and can confirm its a good honest car with good kit....

contaminated - 3/11/09 at 12:46 PM

Bringing back from NI is do-able. That's where I bought mine. Cost me about £600 for a couple of days away (dinner, beer, flights and a bed on the boat for me and the wife). Superb road trip (well road, air and water trip).

Be prepared to re-register though. The NI registration docs are specific to NI. Fortunately mine was originally registered in England, which made it easier. MOT will need re-doing as well.

smart51 - 3/11/09 at 12:56 PM

The indy has a quiet silencer at 97-98 dB. The vortx has a tiny bike silencer and will be LOUD. That said, I think the vortx is generally a nicer car than the indy that I should point out that the MNR used to be mine.

Check the MNR engine. If it is my old 4XV engine it ran very nicely but did use a lot of oil. You should be able to get a good discount on that price too. Guess how I know

scootz - 3/11/09 at 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Davey D
Personally id hold onto my money, and keep looking.


It's a buyers market (isn't it always!).

Cars are coming up all the time and will only get cheaper until spring.

rob2005 - 6/11/09 at 03:38 PM

Bizzle, these are both no where near what your old Mac1 was!!

I wouldnt touch either of them, the MNR's engine bay is shocking and shows me that it hasnt been looked after and the Indy........... nope not for me!!

Keep hunting mate there are better cars out there for a little more money or wait for the right one to come along.