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OK if I'm Totaly honest with myself
mad-butcher - 13/7/11 at 06:08 PM

This could possibly open a can of worms, swapped cars for the day with a mate he had my blade I had his pinto.
Now if I'm totaly honest with myself I enjoyed driving his more than my own (he hated every moment of mine apart from the speed) No nursing the clutch, driving round town an absolute pleasure, pain in the arse not having the sequencial box, missed the noise of the blade, but still plenty fast enough to get me banned for a good few years,
sorry to say if the blade blew it would be replaced by a car engine, as a buzz and for trackdays BEC but for general use deffo car engine.
Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same


smart51 - 13/7/11 at 06:13 PM

Nursing the clutch? You've got it set up wrong. Mine was light but with plenty of feel and enough sensitivity around the biting point that it could be driven smoothly in stop start traffic. I had the cable mount as close to the pivot point of the pedal as possible and it worked like a dream. I'm no fan of the sequential box though. It was just a means of preventing you choosing any other gear than one up or one down.

tomgregory2000 - 13/7/11 at 06:14 PM


Now just fit a turbo engine and you get the best of everything

cerbera - 13/7/11 at 06:24 PM

I sold my ZX9 powered 7 to get one with a car engine. But now after 12 months I'm missing the buzz of driving my old one and am looking out for another.

Like smart said, mine was a doddle to drive in stop start traffic.

Anyone selling a striker / fury R1??

steve m - 13/7/11 at 06:25 PM

This, is a very good post, and shows how different our cars can be,

I personly, am not to keen on a bec, but quite like the sequentiol box, but no reverse ?? not for me

but a bec is light, and very very powerful,

When will some brightspark on here make a decent car engined car, connected to a bike sequential box WITH reverse ?


mad-butcher - 13/7/11 at 06:27 PM

Maybe nursing the clutch was the wrong word, but to get to visit my lad in Preston and before I hit the M58/M6 I have to go thru Liverpool and there are 15 or so sets of lights and traffic to contend with. Clutch is set spot on and I drive in baseball boots.


Hellfire - 13/7/11 at 06:29 PM

Tony, you need to get yourself to the doctors mate. You'll be asking for your pipe and slippers next. Honda S2000 engine and I could almost understand but........ a Pinto!!..... is this a post you've had drafted since April 1st but forgot to submit?


[Edited on 13-7-11 by Hellfire]

blakep82 - 13/7/11 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by steve m
This, is a very good post, and shows how different our cars can be,

I personly, am not to keen on a bec, but quite like the sequentiol box, but no reverse ?? not for me

but a bec is light, and very very powerful,

When will some brightspark on here make a decent car engined car, connected to a bike sequential box WITH reverse ?


quaife do a sequential box to replace the type 9 (with 6 gears i think?) if you've got a spare few grand. £3500 i think? maybe more now?

edit: ok, a bit more than 3.5k...

[Edited on 13/7/11 by blakep82]

zilspeed - 13/7/11 at 06:33 PM

I suspect it depends what you want a car like a locost for.

If you don't want to utterly spank it every time you get behind the wheel, maybe a bike engine is the wrong thing.

Maybe that's not unrelated to the thought that one or two members on here who have flogged the locost, replaced it with an MX5 and realised that this is actually all the toy car they actually want.

scootz - 13/7/11 at 06:36 PM

I have to agree! The only car that I'd want to have a bike-engine in it is a single-seater race car... something that gets up the revs straight away and stays there for the duration of it's use!

I had an R1 indy for a short while and was completely underwhelmed by it. Fast - yes. Dramatic - yes. Fun - yes... but only for about 10 minutes and then it became hard work! The wife hated it. The dog was scared of it. etc. etc.

My next car after that was a pinto engined Quantum Xtreme. Now that's a fairly heavy Se7en and the engine was only putting out 110bhp, but what a hoot!

That said, I can completely understand why some may want a BEC if they drive in banzai-mode everywhere they go.

franky - 13/7/11 at 06:39 PM

imagine if it had an engine that would rev to 8k making over 300bhp

Hellfire - 13/7/11 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by franky
imagine if it had an engine that would rev to 8k making over 300bhp

And weighed so much that it couldn't turn corners...........

franky - 13/7/11 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Originally posted by franky
imagine if it had an engine that would rev to 8k making over 300bhp

And weighed so much that it couldn't turn corners...........

Luckily this one doesn't Less than a pinto darling

beaver34 - 13/7/11 at 07:23 PM

Which is double the weight of a bike engine

Kwik - 13/7/11 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by scootz

That said, I can completely understand why some may want a BEC if they drive in banzai-mode everywhere they go.

thats my life, every physical thing i do i put as much effort that is humanly possible... ok my knees normally feel like jelly and my elbows kill afterwards but if im not being banzei, im not living...

saying that i am a safe driver and stay at the speed limits (kind of have to in a car that barely goes 70, i just get to those speeds as soon as possible...

hopefully start of next year/summer i will be aquireing one of these 7 kit cars... split between what im used to and what i think i will like...

TimC - 13/7/11 at 07:38 PM

I think for road driving you're 100% spot-on. I had much more fun in my X-flow Striker than I did in my Indy with bike power & Nos.

On track, I think it's the exact opposite.

blakep82 - 13/7/11 at 07:40 PM

Originally posted by beaver34
Which is double the weight of a bike engine

but its about double the power, with bags more torque, and the final car isn't double the weight

sorens2 - 13/7/11 at 08:03 PM

My MNR ZX12 does it all for me.
Trackdays are heaven.
Taking it round town. No problem.

But who builds a 7even style car as an everyday car?
I should be fun when you drive it and it should hit the limiter in all gears.

Buy an Audi if you want the smooth ride.

Soren S2

chrisxr2 - 13/7/11 at 08:16 PM

Op, i bought my car and went for a car engine as i believed that a bike engine is best for driving at 10/10ths anything less a car engine suffices.

McLannahan - 13/7/11 at 08:32 PM

I'd have to agree too!

My most loved KC was my good old crossflow "bitsa". Still a laugh and genuinely the only KC my wife liked!

I've moved away from KC's now and have an old mk2 Golf. Still great going out in it and fast enough. Sure it doesn't have the speed and excitement of KC but I do feel a lot more comfortable and less "on edge" driving it!

Andy D - 13/7/11 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Tony, you need to get yourself to the doctors mate. You'll be asking for your pipe and slippers next. Honda S2000 engine and I could almost understand but........ a Pinto!!..... is this a post you've had drafted since April 1st but forgot to submit?


[Edited on 13-7-11 by Hellfire]

Tut tut Philip.

Nothing wrong with Pintos. ;-)

ReMan - 13/7/11 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by sorens2
My MNR ZX12 does it all for me.
Trackdays are heaven.
Taking it round town. No problem.

But who builds a 7even style car as an everyday car?
I should be fun when you drive it and it should hit the limiter in all gears.

Buy an Audi if you want the smooth ride.

Soren S2


franky - 13/7/11 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by beaver34
Which is double the weight of a bike engine

but its about double the power, with bags more torque, and the final car isn't double the weight

Should be double the power, double the torque, and less than half the cost.

mistergrumpy - 13/7/11 at 10:27 PM

As discussed on U2U I have to hold my hands up and agree with you to Tony. There's just too many traffic lights round here and I find myself constantly slowing to try and make them work with me so I don't have to stop and play the sequential gear game. I don't want to spank the car everytime I'm in it and can't because of the roads around here and the number of scare stories on here with pictures of pistons hanging out of engine cases kinda bothers me if I end up stranded in some shithole around here, and there are plenty to choose from If the engine does blow I have to say that I would definitely consider a CEC too.

Dangle_kt - 14/7/11 at 09:37 AM

I've been saying this for a few years now. BECs are great at what they do, but it's very niche.

Either accept that or buy/build something else.

For me, on the right day on the right road NOTHING would be a beter car.... It's just that day/road combo doesn't happen as often as I'd like.

eddie99 - 14/7/11 at 09:42 AM

Well i think a good overall response has come from this thread, better than some of the other bec v CEC's

CEC for traffic and regular use
BEC for trackdays and 100% thrashing on empty roads.

I did agree with this, but after now popping the zx10, i'd say CEC is more reliable as well!

probablyleon - 14/7/11 at 10:48 AM

Horses for courses. I love my Peugeot 406 to death, if I'm going somewhere that takes more than an hour, or takes me through a city centre they're the keys I'll pick up. If its a sparkly Sunday morning the BEC will get a thrashing, absolutely nothing better for the job. I had a car engined seven before the Fury, the power to weight ratio was slightly down on the Fury but not hugely, but the difference in driving experience was massive. I'm no more interested in a 'fun car' that has good mpg, comfortable etc etc than I am a family car that can do 200mph.

x_flow57 - 14/7/11 at 11:39 AM

How about this as a compromise.

190BHP, 6 speed box, 850Kg and 8500 red line (with its after market pipe on it even sounds like a BEC).

Both on road and track I've been soooo impressed. I've done 2500 miles in the month I've had it, totally useable transport and as much fun as you can have on track.


Edit to add it is a Toyota engine so 8500rpm all day and no HGF to worry about.

[Edited on 14/7/11 by x_flow57]

Johneturbo - 15/7/11 at 03:41 PM

Have to say after having an R1 and now the ZZR14, the bigger cc BEC is a nice option, lots of low down torque @5000 and right up to 10,000 if you want to get a wriggle on!

The only CEC that i'd consider if i had to go CEC would be a S2000 with turbo

No. 67 - 15/7/11 at 03:42 PM

Don't know how any of you drive without reverse on public roads....I find it a hassle not being able to reverse in the paddock!

[Edited on 15/7/11 by No. 67]

Doctor Derek Doctors - 15/7/11 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by sorens2
Buy an Audi if you want the smooth ride.

More like "Buy an Audi if you want to have you spine ground down by vibration and your teeth shattered on every pot hole"

They have become rock hard and bloody awful, the last 10 Plate A4 I drove was one of the worst riding cars I have ever been in. I used to love Audis (owned a few) but I wouldn't buy one now.

Buy a CITREON or Peugeot if you want a smooth ride.

As for BEC or CEC debate, its just as pointless as debating what sort of music is better, all that matters is what you prefer.

Doctor Derek Doctors - 15/7/11 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by No. 67
Don't know how any of you drive without reverse on public roads....I find it a hassle not being able to reverse in the paddock!

[Edited on 15/7/11 by No. 67]

Without reverse?

My BEC has reverse and I'm pretty sure its a requirement to pass the IVA.

blakep82 - 15/7/11 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Doctor Derek Doctors
Originally posted by No. 67
Don't know how any of you drive without reverse on public roads....I find it a hassle not being able to reverse in the paddock!

[Edited on 15/7/11 by No. 67]

Without reverse?

My BEC has reverse and I'm pretty sure its a requirement to pass the IVA.

yeah, wasn't for SVA though, so plenty of BECs going about without reverse i imagine. plus the ones that 'fell off' after IVA...