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La Bala at Phoenix Intl Raceway
sgraber - 31/3/07 at 03:03 PM

You might recall that I had my La Bala project out at the track for a testing session in late February. You know, where I discovered all the issues I needed to fix... Well I took a video camera along that day, and though we didn't shoot too much footage, I managed to piece together the little bit that I had into a little video to prove that I was actually there!

Hope you like it!

Humbug - 31/3/07 at 03:21 PM

Nice one, Steve

Alan B - 31/3/07 at 04:51 PM

Why won't it go beyond 6 seconds for me?

Any ideas?

JoelP - 31/3/07 at 06:19 PM

a very smooth production too. Nice vid, the music doesnt get too annoying! The car looks incredibly sleek.

TheGecko - 1/4/07 at 12:40 AM


Looks great on the track - can't wait to see the same sort of footage in the new colour scheme

In the slow-mo from about 1:28 onwards, was the track surface really that bad or is there some pitch oscillation in the chassis? It looks like it gets a noticeable porpoise-ing action going. Perhaps it needs slightly firmer shock settings at one or both ends? Of course it may just be an illusion because of the slow-mo.

Alan, try reloading the page while holding down the Shift-key. That'll force your browser to flush out a cached copy of the page and get a new one.


sgraber - 1/4/07 at 03:59 AM

It was a very fun day for me. I'm just sorry I didn't take more footage. I was so busy preparing the car that I just forgot about the camera. I really wanted some in car footage. Maybe next time.

Originally posted by TheGecko
In the slow-mo from about 1:28 onwards, was the track surface really that bad or is there some pitch oscillation in the chassis? It looks like it gets a noticeable porpoise-ing action going. Perhaps it needs slightly firmer shock settings at one or both ends? Of course it may just be an illusion because of the slow-mo.

The slo-mo does enhance it. There is a continuous kerb around that curve that defines the track edge. You are supposed to drive around it, but if you want to set up properly for the next corner you have to cut it off. Everyone does it there. However, I did notice the porpoising during slo-mo too. FYI - The suspension settings were woefully out of whack for most of the day. I never did get the car to handle properly. Snap oversteer and all that. Afterwards I enlisted a professional to come by the shop and he made a number of suggestions and comments to correct the handling issues that I am undertaking. A major point was that the rear suspension is binding significantly at the bellcrank bushings and that the front was sprung too hard. Not to mention that the dampers need to be properly set up for rebound and damping. Geometry is good, its just the dampers and bellcranks that need attention.

I started with just an idea to build a car and a pile of tubes in my garage, and ended up at the track. Pretty cool if I say so myself. pat, pat...

Hope this is inspiration for others.

sgraber - 1/4/07 at 04:04 AM

BTW - I uploaded a video of myself destroying the plug with a sledge hammer. This is old footage, but I thought it was funny in a sad way.

geoffreyh - 14/5/07 at 08:38 AM


Steve published a first kit and price list on his website.

Congrats on another achievement Steve!!!