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Furore passes German TUV test
russbost - 8/1/15 at 06:29 PM

Well, here's a post I never thought I'd be making! A contact I have in Germany who works with Caterham has managed to get a customers car thro' the German TUV test & road legal in Germany!!! What's more it's bike engined with the ZZR1400. It's a factory built car & was initially IVA'd & registered in the UK, which apparently did make it easier, so he tells me

[img] Furore German TUV
Furore German TUV

[img] Furore German TUV 1
Furore German TUV 1

Now it may not sound like a lot, but to anyone who knows how hard it is to get kitcars registered in Germany it is, quite frankly, bloody amazing!!

I have to say I don't like the mirrors & I don't like the dominator headlights on the car, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

So if we have any German members who fancy a Furore on the road then it can be done!

Myke 2463 - 8/1/15 at 06:48 PM

Congratulations Russ, well done.

AndyW - 8/1/15 at 06:48 PM

Well done Russ

A great achievement and a credit to the kit car industry.

Keep up the good work.

russbost - 8/1/15 at 06:51 PM

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence (where's the "bashful" smiley when you want it?) guys, but I had very little to do with it other than us building the car & registering over here - TBH I'm amazed & I don't know how he achieved it, but it's great to have another one on the road in another country - that's the States, Canada & Germany now!

steve m - 8/1/15 at 07:05 PM

I believe. the Germany market is a very difficult one, especially with getting road legal
so this must be a well positive plus, so well done !


Doctor Derek Doctors - 8/1/15 at 07:35 PM

That's an impressive achievement mate. I think the car suits that colour scheme as well.

snapper - 8/1/15 at 08:21 PM

Bloody well done Russ
Nothing like a challenge is there

Smoking Frog - 8/1/15 at 10:46 PM

Good news! Hopefully a road going car will spread the word. Proud moment.

lsdweb - 9/1/15 at 08:18 AM

Impressive Russ. Well done! Whilst you say you didn't do much to get it though the TUV test I'm sure the design and inherent build quality played a major part.


Irony - 9/1/15 at 11:51 AM

How many cars do you have on the road now?

prawnabie - 9/1/15 at 11:59 AM

How difficault is it to get EU type approval now one has passed TUV?

russbost - 9/1/15 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Irony
How many cars do you have on the road now?

If you include the original twin engined car (which I've not heard anything for several years now) then there are 5 on the road in the UK , with another 2 which are fairly close to IVA so hopefully will be done this year. 1 in Canada, 1 in the States & now 1 in Germany so currently 8, hopefully double figures later this year! Unless you live in Essex or near Portsmouth, Plymouth, Flitwick, or High Wycombe you're pretty unlikely to bump into one down the local pub!

There are a further 4 chassis in various states of build all in the UK (including 1 I have which is unstarted), tho' I'm pretty sure one or two of them will, like many other kits, never get finished. Which is a shame, because it's actually a very simple & easy car to build; & 3 other complete cars in Germany which I believe are being used for trackdays

russbost - 9/1/15 at 01:53 PM

Originally posted by prawnabie
How difficault is it to get EU type approval now one has passed TUV?

Unfortunately a whole different ball game, tho' I believe now we have on thro' TUV if they submit an identical car (same engine, same tyre size, same mirrors, exhaust etc.) then I think the approval process is easier again. I believe for EU type approval you need to submit several complete cars for them to smash into walls etc Something I have no plans to do - considering it was never really intended to be anything more than a hobby business it's already grown rather further than that!

I would emphasise that the above are only what I think to be true, I am no expert in this (mine) field

amalyos - 9/1/15 at 05:13 PM

I don't believe they have a IVA type process in Germany. It's a full TUV homologation or nothing, so you'd need vehicle crash and safety tests, would cost you a fortune!!

russbost - 9/1/15 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by amalyos
I don't believe they have a IVA type process in Germany. It's a full TUV homologation or nothing, so you'd need vehicle crash and safety tests, would cost you a fortune!!

Well ...............They do have a sort of IVA. which is an individual TUV test, but it is way stricter than our IVA, many parts have to be E marked & the emissions are treated on a strictly one-off basis, which I believe is a lengthy & expensive test, their noise is far stricter than ours & includes a drive by test, hence why I am amazed he's managed to get this thro' with a bike engine!

johnH20 - 9/1/15 at 08:18 PM

Fantastic result Russ, I think the EKCC ought to get together and buy you breakfast at our next meet!

alfas - 11/1/15 at 08:34 PM

reading here doesnt sound too promising...

anyway...i have searched the dealer...its a well known caterham dealer in germany and he is also listing a 2014 tiger, a 2011 GBS zero, a 2006 UK westfield...all with german paperwork...interesting that the cars are advertized with emisssion class Euro2, but according to the registration dates euro5 would be the target.

this dealer must know a secret or a loophole in the german law??

would be really interesting what is written in the german registration documents.

i think there must exist a certificate of exemption for the emissions, individually issued by the regional council for each car.

other registration districts might not accept those exemptions (but usually they do)....which leaves a small bitter aftertaste.

[Edited on 11/1/15 by alfas]

russbost - 12/1/15 at 08:57 AM

I have to say I suspect there may be some behind the scenes jiggery pokery to get the car tested & whether it meets the requirements on a day to day basis may be another matter entirely, however I strongly suspect that the same would go for a many kitcars both here & abroad.

Many people expressed disbelief when I put the first Furore thro' what was then SVA over here, but when you stop & think about it it's very little different to getting something like a 7 style car thro' & when I designed the Furore I knew it had to pass IVA so all of that was built into the car at the design stage & whilst some people may choose to replace items like mirrors & exhaust after the test, that is no different to replacing parts on a car which has gone thro' full type approval. I have pictures of the Furore at IVA & they look very little different to any of the cars on the road.

alfas - 12/1/15 at 04:02 PM

the car only passed with the testing station of that dealer, incl. "his" specific tester which the dealer works together, with.

so if you try it another time, choosing a differnt testing station, the car might not even pass the light test!!

i´m collecting kitcars, buying here and there also something for nearest testing station meanwhile has refused testing such cars ..30km away they do certain types and models...and if it gets a bit more "exotic" i have to drive 250km....

at each test-station, i have only 1 specific tester who is willing to do such cars. his collegues immediately say "no". if this secific tester is ill or on holidays i have no chance and need to wait.

[Edited on 12/1/15 by alfas]

maccmike - 12/1/15 at 06:16 PM

The if's and but's but are irrelevant. It passed.