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Wheel Bearing Seals
Black Cat - 4/10/12 at 06:27 PM

Hi folks,

I am looking for a wheel bearing seal for a Ford Cortina Mark 3 front axial to suit a set of bearing which have a reference number L44649-L44610 for my Tiger Avon.

Coming down the A14 a few weeks ago, thought I had a puncture, all of a sudden, the car veered slightly when I was in the outside lane doing about seventy. Heart nearly stopped. Stopped the car, had a good look round but all seemed OK. Got back home and had a closer look and found the nearside wheel was loose. I say the wheel, more like the hub.

On examining the bearings, the outside bearing had started to disintegrate and the seal had distorted due to the looseness of the hub on the axial.

Anyway, sourced the new wheel bearings from East Anglia Bearing Services Ltd in Great Whip Street in Ipswich but they had no seals and weren’t sure of the part number. Looked on ebay for a parts reference with no luck and even called in at a Ford garage and they don’t stock, or even have any information on cars that old now.

So need the name of a good supplier and if possible the part number of the seal.

Many thanks


designer - 4/10/12 at 06:43 PM

Try local Ford dealer.

Black Cat - 4/10/12 at 06:48 PM

Year, it was a main Ford dealership I called at but they were unable to help.

rusty nuts - 4/10/12 at 07:01 PM


macc man - 4/10/12 at 07:23 PM

I bought mine from Partco. They came with the wheel bearings as a kit. This was about 4 years ago. Might be worth contacting them. They may supply seperately.

theconrodkid - 4/10/12 at 07:28 PM


Black Cat - 4/10/12 at 08:00 PM

Thanks Conrod, and not to far away.

wombat - 4/10/12 at 09:40 PM

BRT Bearings