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westfield stainless x/f manifold
alladdin - 22/3/13 at 01:53 PM

genuine westy, low level exit, 4 -1 type stainless steel - anything else you need to know just ask.

£120 inc post ?

Benzo - 22/3/13 at 02:16 PM

for crossflow?

[Edited on 22/3/13 by Benzo]

alladdin - 22/3/13 at 08:29 PM

Yes crossflow .

Trollyjack - 23/3/13 at 03:21 PM


alladdin - 23/3/13 at 04:47 PM

i have just taken one. its not at its prettiest as it needs a damn good clean up at the moment

pm me your email and i can send it.