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cortina uprights wanted
nick a - 11/3/04 at 11:06 AM

wanted cortina front uprights and hubs preferably in the midlands area


nick a - 11/3/04 at 11:08 AM

cortina uprights wanted

anyone going to stafford on sunday with some they wish to sell ?


Dave_the_sparks - 11/3/04 at 06:43 PM

Hard to find eh? try calling Tiger Racing, they sell them but will cost you £95+vat +p&p they will be at the show, call them and they might be good enough to bring a set for you!

ray.h. - 11/3/04 at 07:54 PM

I have a spare set for sale. They have discs but are straight off the car and will need a full recon.No callipers.
£60 and should be at Stoneleigh Sunday.
U2U if interested.

James - 12/3/04 at 12:06 PM

Jon Ison always says try your local banger racing meet- apparently people there will often sell you uprights from the mashed cars.



nick a - 12/3/04 at 03:20 PM

Mashed cars = mashed upright ?

how do you know the uprights are not damaged

flak monkey - 12/3/04 at 03:42 PM

I have a mate looking out at the banger meetings for me.

As long as the car hasnt had a heavy frontal mashing or an impact over the front wheels the uprights ought to be alright. A lot of the bangers i see die either because they have a heavy rear impact and it wrecks the rear axle, or the engine dies from being thrashed in second gear

You will be able to see if the uprights are bent a lot.


Dave Ashurst - 12/3/04 at 07:09 PM

I know where there are some.

but why don't you use sierra uprights?

nick a - 13/3/04 at 09:38 PM

Still not got any ?

anyone with any spare going to stafford tomorrow ? email me


kipper - 14/3/04 at 10:52 PM

All this talk of bangers and mash is making me hungry LOL.

nick a - 15/3/04 at 05:42 PM

All this talk of bangers and mash is making me hungry LOL.

This coming from someone called kipper