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WTD 919 Fireblade ecu plug
YQUSTA - 7/5/11 at 05:57 PM

919 Fireblade ecu plug

Long shot I know but if anyone knows of one or where I can get one that would be great.

Inch or 2 of wire on would be enough for me to splice it in but the the more the better.

EDIT: 1998 cbr900rrw 919


[Edited on 7/5/11 by YQUSTA]

doddy - 7/5/11 at 06:22 PM

hi have you got a picture of it as i have a blade loom i think is 983 blade but the ecu's look the same
its been used for a race bike so the loom has been cut about you can have the whole loom if its any good

YQUSTA - 7/5/11 at 07:56 PM

Thanks Doddy that would be great if they are they same.

I don't have a pic but will get one tomorrow for you.

YQUSTA - 8/5/11 at 09:50 AM

Photos as requested

[img] 919 ecu plug
919 ecu plug

[img] 919 ecu plug
919 ecu plug

doddy - 8/5/11 at 05:42 PM

yes the connector is the same but some pins may need changing

YQUSTA - 8/5/11 at 08:16 PM

Pin changing shouldn't be too much of a problem.

If you would like to sell me your plug just send me a u2u with payment details.

