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Zetec Escort dipstick and tube.....?
ianm67 - 22/7/14 at 03:57 PM

I need a dipstick tube and dipstick for the engine I have built. I believe it may be the type used on the Zetec Escort as there appears to be what looks like a brass insert in the block where the tube fits? The tube off of the Mondeo one that I have doesn't fit, it is too large in diameter....?
Any help advice, greatly appreciated.

big_wasa - 22/7/14 at 07:43 PM

Three different tubes for the silver top. The difference is where they bolt to the head.

One bolts in between cyl' 3+4. The other two bolt in front of cyl' one. One sits close to the head and one stands away from the head.

I can not remember what's what on each.

The Black top is thicker and won't fit a silver top.

If it's a silver top dip and tube your after I have one or two in the garage I can dig out but no Black top tubes / dips.

ianm67 - 22/7/14 at 08:10 PM

Thanks for the reply. My engine is rather a 'bitsa' and comprises of a blacktop head and what I am led to believe is an ST170 bottom end....... The dipstick tube that I have was definitely from a blacktop and doesn't fit into the block...... If you have a silver top tube I could try I'd appreciate it. How much would you like for one?
All the best,

big_wasa - 22/7/14 at 08:25 PM

I will find it first.

The st170 is the same as the black top. The tube has two ribs with an O ring sat between. Any chance the O ring has come of in the block ?

The silver top has the O ring in an insert in the block.

Any pictures of your block ? As a silver top tube will not fit and there is no point wasting your cash or time.

ianm67 - 22/7/14 at 08:32 PM

There is definitely an insert in the block. The front cover and water pump etc is all blacktop, it is a bit odd for sure........ I'll go and see if I can get a decent picture for you.......

big_wasa - 22/7/14 at 08:40 PM

Is this the American Svt block that was for sale a while back ?

ianm67 - 22/7/14 at 09:08 PM

Originally posted by big_wasa
Is this the American Svt block that was for sale a while back ?

Bought it off a chap on here probably 10 months ago....? There was some discussion around its heritage but nothing concrete was determined...... Pocketed pistons, has a blacktop waterpump, two piece sump (the tin part needed an ST170 gasket.....)


The insert appears to have seal in it:


big_wasa - 23/7/14 at 05:48 AM

That does indeed look like the silvertop fitting with the O ring in a spigot. Whats the bore ? I will dig one out tonight and have a measure.

I am also pretty sure the Escort was never fitted with the black top over here.

big_wasa - 23/7/14 at 06:28 PM

Found one, must have binned the others.

Tube is 9.8mm dia

ianm67 - 25/7/14 at 06:19 AM

Looks just the ticket. Drop me a U2U with details of how much you need and payment details please....!
Many thanks,