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WANTED - ZX6R Throttle Side Carb - any condition
davidimurray - 4/8/14 at 01:38 PM

Looking at trying to mock up my Duratec inlet manifold before I take the carbs off my old car. Looks lie it is going to be very tight at the front with the belt tensioner. Does anyone have a dead - condition doesn't matter as long as the body and cable attaching disc/throttle spindle are fitted.



whitestu - 4/8/14 at 04:52 PM

Hi Dave

I've got some old carbs I keep for spares - happy to let you borrow one but would want it back.


davidimurray - 4/8/14 at 06:26 PM

Hi Stu

I don't quite need it yet but was just planning ahead. If I could borrow them in future if I don't find a knackered set that would be great.

