I am looking for a car or project 7 replica to put a engine in that I have so looking for a part built or car I can re engine.
Thanks Matty
what engine do you have as soem cars offer a larger space, the basic locost needs modifying to accept the pinto and other engines due to the chasis rail heights
I have a 180bhp vvc k series to fit.
You should sell me your engine
Had to purchase a whole metro to get it.
You are more than welcome to buy that but will be keeping the engine .
Spec as follows
-160vvc engine with about 40k on it had new waterpump, head gasket and belt this year.
-Inlet manifold has been ported and polished.
-pipier 270 exhaust cam
-fse power boost valve
-z and f remap on rolling road
-pipecross filter
also janspeed exhaust but this will need to be romoved now looking for a suitable car to put it in.
[Edited on 13/9/14 by matty h]
Think i will pass on the metro
It is purple, sure I can not change your mind.
Have a look in the for sale section ,there is an unfinished project there at the moment that might be suitable
What sort of budget do you have??
Try this in the for sale
My Striker's for sale:
open to offers
5k is hardly project money.
lol, worth a try...
There's an Avon on the Tiger Owners Club forum for £1500. Can't seem to copy a link, sorry.
Still looking want a 7 with independent rear end have a budget of upto £5000.
Exactly what you want - my GTS W7DE - http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/forum/34/viewthread.php?tid=194515
Still looking engine is waiting to go in.
Was going to post a wanted ad on pistonheads but seems you have to pay for this,
also if someone is a member of wscc forum would it be possible to post a wanted ad on there for me.
Regards Matty
Nick Algar has a westfield roller which he may consider selling! Give him a buzz at playskool
Spoken to Palayskool do not have anything suitable and missed out on the auto mk on here.
So the search goes on.
Regards Matty
Procomp la gold on pistonheads with engine at £5k
The engine would be worth a fair amount too if you wanted to sell it on to recoup some of the outlay!
Had a look at the pro comp car looks a very well speced car but looking for a road car which is the reason I am after a independent car.
Regards Matty
This trader on e bay has a couple of yellow westfield for sale this cheaper one does seem to be something I would consider
but does anyone else see that the rear wheels are not in the cntre of the wheel arches.
Regards Matty
it says Cat D maybe why its not straight
I know it is not registered but at that price may be worth a look. The striker would suit the k series well.
Seen the striker and do like them and currently have a escort based one but really want ind.ependent car and striker is a tight fit.
With regards westfield that is the thing that puts me off.
[Edited on 20/12/14 by matty h]
Anyone willing to post on wscc forum forum for me.
Would also like to know if this car is still for sale and details
Thanks Matty
[Edited on 21/12/14 by matty h]
Please can someone contact kirkyboy 4 on the wscc forum regarding his westfield.
Thanks Matty
Still looking for something to put my engine in.
Someone must have what I am after tucked away not getting used enough.