After a complete set of wishbones to suit my locost chassis.
Dimensions are as follows:
Untitled by Edward Ashton,
on Flickr
Have tried emailing MK with regards to these but have had no response. So before I ring up, I thought it might be worth a bash to see if anybody has
any for sale!!
A member gave me a set of Indy front tops complete with drag links lock nuts and poly bushes. Your welcome to them.
Originally posted by edthedrummer
After a complete set of wishbones to suit my locost chassis.
Have tried emailing MK with regards to these but have had no response. So before I ring up, I thought it might be worth a bash to see if anybody has any for sale!! Ed
We still make the parts for the locost.its just we would rather sell,people the Indy r chassis rather than a locost.
Please give me a call and il make you a set
Thanks Danny