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Press stud things
Avoneer - 1/12/04 at 10:17 PM

Has anyone got a bag of these lying around?
I pressume they are a standard size?
Pat... Rescued attachment 1.jpg
Rescued attachment 1.jpg

splitrivet - 1/12/04 at 11:32 PM

You can get em from any dress making shop Pat.

Avoneer - 1/12/04 at 11:56 PM

Do you frequent dress making shops then?

Peteff - 2/12/04 at 12:32 AM

Sews all his own sequins on I'll bet . If they are the upholstery type that you fit with a punch they are available in different sizes.

locoboy - 2/12/04 at 11:32 AM


You have U2U