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zetec blacktop 2.0 fuel pressure reg. OE
AndyW - 10/8/15 at 07:13 PM

As per title

Does anyone have a known good fuel pressure regulator from a 2.0 blacktop?

Changed mine for a shitty ebay one that I had left over (which didn't work) now put original back and problem even worse.

Please let me know what you have lying around



Chris Ridgers - 10/8/15 at 08:27 PM

We use Alpha's range of FPR when needed, fitted 2 on blacktop builds both with great success. There not the cheapest but worth the money.

ianm67 - 11/8/15 at 12:00 PM

Hello Andy,
I think I have one in the garage (it's still attached to a fuel rail). If you can wait a day or two I'll post it out to you.....? U2U me with your address.....

AndyW - 11/8/15 at 02:54 PM

cheers Ian I will u2u my address later, let me know what you want for postage....