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Decent camera mount wanted
daniel mason - 19/10/15 at 04:08 PM

I'm after a decent car mounting kit for my gopro! Anyone know of anything better than the standard flimsy cage mounts on eBay? Cheers

mackei23b - 19/10/15 at 04:24 PM

Hi There

I've got one of these on my cage:

Or how about a cart clamp:



[Edited on 19/10/15 by mackei23b]

HowardB - 19/10/15 at 06:43 PM

there are some very nice machined aluminium ones,. again ebay I'm afraid or its a "DIY" job if you have a milling machine

how about Metal Aluminium Protective Case Frame Housing Shell Mount for GoPro Hero4 OS271

[Edited on 19/10/15 by HowardB]

bi22le - 19/10/15 at 06:53 PM

I lost a camera at snetterton. . . Never to be found even though i new where it fell off.

I had video footage from a rear facing cam!

daniel mason - 19/10/15 at 08:00 PM

Yeah the standard go pro roll hoop mounts aren't the best! Thanks for the options so far. But how do the cameras mount to those alloy brackets?

mackei23b - 19/10/15 at 08:11 PM

I used the gopro tripod mount and a standard tripod screw, will take a pic of the set up.

Cheers Ian

hkp57 - 20/10/15 at 08:28 AM

The best results to date I have had by far is the super clamp from Dog Cam Sport, I use it with my Garmin camera but it is a standard tripod mount that matches up with it so easy to use with a GoPro

DogCamSport Link