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Brain James trailer tyre rack to suit Minno
CNHSS1 - 1/2/16 at 04:53 PM

I need a tyre rack to suit a Brian James Minno Max trailer or something that can be adapted to fit

what have you got?

cheers CNH

nick205 - 2/2/16 at 11:55 AM

Can you cut box section steel and weld - might be as easy to make your own rack to suit the trailer!

CNHSS1 - 2/2/16 at 12:47 PM

yeah its no problem to make one, can get galvanised locally too, but would prefer an original if poss

nick205 - 2/2/16 at 04:33 PM

OK, just an LCB thought of do it yourself and get what you want.

CNHSS1 - 3/2/16 at 07:51 PM

No worries :-) LCB is normally my go to option to be fair but i do a lot of miles in a season and running out of prep time for apr 16th first event of the year, quick solution is good

phelix - 5/2/16 at 03:48 PM

I know of one in the Guildford area that might be for sale - is that too far?

CNHSS1 - 5/2/16 at 04:35 PM

hi Phelix

have sent you u2u

CNHSS1 - 11/2/16 at 03:26 PM

sorted now thanks :-)

CNHSS1 - 14/2/16 at 08:01 PM

All sorted now cheers :-)