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WTD: Ability to bend 51mm tube
ChrisLeary - 17/7/17 at 07:17 AM


I just wondered if anyone has the capability to put a 45 degree bend in some 51mm alloy tube for me please?

Beer tokens waiting for the tube and bending.



Schrodinger - 17/7/17 at 07:25 AM

I cant help directly but will this be of any use, is probably not cheap either

ChrisLeary - 17/7/17 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Schrodinger
I cant help directly but will this be of any use, is probably not cheap either

Yeah that's the last resort really, there's a few cheaper on eBay so I know they're available, but I'd prefer to pay for some beers for the fine folk on here rather than line the pockets of over-priced shop owners!

Thank you for taking the time to reply though!

ttalps2000 - 17/7/17 at 10:52 AM

google automotive silicon hoses, half the price of CBS and very good products. Their hoses are good too

liam.mccaffrey - 17/7/17 at 05:15 PM

What's the wall thickness? I have a pro tools 2" die

ChrisLeary - 17/7/17 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
What's the wall thickness? I have a pro tools 2" die

What ever you've got spare really...

