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I need a trailer...
furryeggs - 21/5/18 at 02:23 PM

Has anyone in the leicestershire/nottinghamshire (melton mowbray) area got a trailer I can borrow around the 12th of june?

Cash or beer waiting


jacko - 21/5/18 at 04:36 PM

I have a 3x4 box trailer but i bet you need something bigger say a car transporter
sorry i will get my coat

furryeggs - 21/5/18 at 07:38 PM

Yes... A car transporter trailer. My bad

Hopley89 - 21/5/18 at 07:50 PM

what car is it to move? Kit?

furryeggs - 21/5/18 at 08:12 PM

Yep, my tiger avon. I need to get it to the rolling road for mapping.

Hopley89 - 21/5/18 at 08:34 PM

i have got a trailer in birmingham if you want to borrow it, it’s about 16ft long with ramps that i use to take my mk

furryeggs - 21/5/18 at 08:51 PM

Can you u2u me your postcode thanks, I’ll check how far you are.
