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Wanted: Offside Cortina Upright
TimC - 30/5/18 at 10:39 PM

As above. Professional set-up at Track Developments has shows that mine is just out of true.

Will take a pair.


Slater - 31/5/18 at 09:52 AM

Just posted.....

TimC - 31/5/18 at 11:02 AM

Thanks - on it.

TimC - 31/5/18 at 10:29 PM

Still needed. Thanks.

ssc28 - 12/6/18 at 03:12 PM

i have a pair available here, they need cleaned up as they are rusty with lying about. I've sent my number to you in a U2U

[Edited on 12/6/18 by ssc28]