Bit of a long shot but I want to fiddle with the cam timing on my ST170 and I was wondering if anyone has a VVT-Pro from ME that they no longer want?
Unfortunately they don't manufacture this anymore so the only other option it to ditch the VVT completely.
I haven't got one but was lucky enough to pick one up for a previous project with an ST170 engine. It worked a treat on that engine along with megajolt for sparks and ZX6R carbs for fuel. It had a lovely smooth power/torque curve from tickover to the redline where it made 178bhp on the rollers. The VVT is really what sets this engine apart from the lesser Zetecs, so do try to get it working properly if you can.
Yes the switching that I'm doing at the moment was only ever a temporary solution (three years of temporary!)
If I can't get hold of one I'll go down the vernier pulley and delete route but I'd really rather have it running properly if I can.
Originally posted by Daf
Yes the switching that I'm doing at the moment was only ever a temporary solution (three years of temporary!)
If I can't get hold of one I'll go down the vernier pulley and delete route but I'd really rather have it running properly if I can.