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Type 9 gearbox mounting
Rubin - 13/6/05 at 03:14 PM


Am after the rubber, bolts and cone mounting for Type 9 gearbox.


[Edited on 13/6/05 by Rubin]

nick205 - 13/6/05 at 03:22 PM

check out Westfield's Type 9 mount. Cheap, very stiff and generally good, many on here have replaced the standard Ford item with this including me.

Sorry - that link points to the MT75 gearbox mount, but the Type 9 mount is on the same catalogue page I think



[Edited on 13/6/05 by nick205]

The Stoat - 13/6/05 at 03:33 PM

They look like the same picture, but the type 9 one is cheaper, so it's not all bad I guess.

brunocrossley - 13/6/05 at 03:51 PM

I bought one of these from Westfield, and crashed my car before I fitted it. A fiver in a jiffy bag to your door.

Work 01772 257560

mookaloid - 13/6/05 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by brunocrossley
I bought one of these from Westfield, and crashed my car before I fitted it. A fiver in a jiffy bag to your door.

Work 01772 257560

I'll have it please

U2U sent



nick205 - 13/6/05 at 04:29 PM

nice late thread entry and bargain grab Mookaloid

mookaloid - 13/6/05 at 05:13 PM

Rubin - 15/6/05 at 01:24 PM

Thanks all, have placed my order