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Fireblade Sump Baffle/Billet sump
Jubal - 4/11/05 at 07:36 AM

If anyone has an unwanted baffle plate or billet sump for a 98 (RRW) fireblade then I'd be interested.

Many thanks

mangogrooveworkshop - 4/11/05 at 07:59 AM

Ask colibriman..........

ReMan - 4/11/05 at 08:19 AM

Hellfire - 4/11/05 at 08:40 AM

Why go to extensive lengths... they are ok as they are. Maybe move the sump plug, but that's all.

Unless your regularly tracking it that is

Jubal - 4/11/05 at 12:22 PM

I found the new option at ST and Fluke but was looking for something cheaper. The car will be track focussed and I want more ground clearance too if I can get it.
