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andybod - 21/12/05 at 11:00 AM

has anyone got a edis4 the would sell me for not to many beer tokens and i also need either my megajolt mapping or the relevent programmes to map it i,m struggling to download and get working it,s for zetec on 40's thanks

JAG - 21/12/05 at 03:22 PM

Have a surf - my friend got a Megajolt map for his 1800cc Zetec on twin 40's from a fellow Se7en owner.

He has a website here

[Edited on 21/12/05 by JAG]

paulf - 21/12/05 at 09:32 PM

I have a spare Edis unit £10 plus £2.50 postage and I will include a copy of the CD I supply with the megajolts I sell . It has a self installer on it for the Java software and a number of MAPs and other usefull info.

andybod - 22/12/05 at 05:48 PM

you have mail coming ta