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Interior Mirror
oliwb - 12/1/06 at 09:51 PM

Wanted 1x interior mirror....not sure what kind but needs to be SVA proof in a car with no windscreen - am willing to do work eg make a standard sierra one fit if that what you've got....cheers Oli.

Humbug - 12/1/06 at 10:20 PM

You could use a suction cup one - available from Halfords or Mac#1 for about a fiver. It's rectangular black plastic with a suction cup that is tightened with a lever. I passed my SVA like that, as did a number of others. It has the advantage that you can (re)move it after SVA if you want to and replace it with something more fancy. Rescued attachment Mirror.JPG
Rescued attachment Mirror.JPG

MkIndy7 - 12/1/06 at 11:46 PM

We passed the SVA with a suction one probably the same as the one pictured but we did get the

"you are going to permenantly fix that when you leave here aren't you" speach so it could be a bit hit and miss.

If your putting a fly screen or even full screen on it might be better to attach it to that, or if you intend putting one on in the future to attach it to where that will mount.

oliwb - 13/1/06 at 11:02 AM

I'm not fitting any winscreen at all....I'm probably not gonna want a centre mirror (another thing for jakey's to snap off when its parked somewhere) though I may bring myself to a racetech one the suction ones manage to achieve angles of visibility? Thanks Oli.

Humbug - 13/1/06 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by oliwb
I'm not fitting any winscreen at all....I'm probably not gonna want a centre mirror (another thing for jakey's to snap off when its parked somewhere) though I may bring myself to a racetech one the suction ones manage to achieve angles of visibility? Thanks Oli.

Not sure about angles of visibility or if a centre mirror is actually a requirement as long as the visibility is correct overall. At my SVA the tester said it was a good job that I had good visibility from the side mirrors (CBR 600-type from Mac#1) as the centre one did not have enough visibility. In addition to my shoulder getting in the way, the ST has an angled cross bar on the roll bar which obstructs the view.

MkIndy7 - 13/1/06 at 05:25 PM

The SVA tester moved ours from the centre toward the passenger side to achieve a better viewing angle between the seats,
we just presumed the centre would be the best.