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quick lend of spring compressor at stoneleigh?
ned - 25/4/06 at 05:16 PM

Got some 350lb springs that i need to get onto a pair of protechs and have tried miserably with two people trying to compress them, haven't got any suitable tools and don't want to muller either part.

Anyone got a spring compressor for 1.9"id springs they wouldn't mind bringing along for 30 mins or so so i can pop the springs on the shocks?

Would be most appreciated and there will be some beer going over the weekend if you're camping and joining in the social activities

DaveFJ - 25/4/06 at 06:04 PM

I used a pair of standard car spring compressors. they didn't hook over the springs so I tied loops of para-cord around the springs and hokked onto that. not ideal but it worked!


dave r - 25/4/06 at 08:07 PM

compresed mine on a pillar drill and used cable ties
still not ideal but worked ok and i am still here ;p

chockymonster - 25/4/06 at 09:38 PM

I was stuck without spring compressors.
I used bits of cable about 2m long, tied the end to the 2nd coil from the top, ran it to the 2nd coil from the bottom and back up numerous times Each time I pulled harder until I'd compressed the springs enough to assemble it.

ReMan - 25/4/06 at 10:11 PM

Hi Ned.
After talkin to Rich about how he did his in a lathe, I made a couple of hook things from bolts and screwed them through the workmate. Did them in about 10 mins. Willpost a pic tommorrow if you want??

stevebubs - 26/4/06 at 01:20 PM

Ratchet Luggage straps are popular tools for this job....

Peteff - 26/4/06 at 01:26 PM

Get some shorter springs so you don't need to compress them, you will not have any adjustment once they are fitted if they are already under pressure.

[Edited on 26/4/06 by Peteff]

ReMan - 26/4/06 at 06:35 PM

Heres the pic wether you want it or not Rescued attachment 176_7678vsml.jpg
Rescued attachment 176_7678vsml.jpg

ReMan - 26/4/06 at 06:36 PM

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Rescued attachment 176_7682vsml.jpg