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Crossflow Inertia Ring Gear
MikeR - 29/4/06 at 08:34 PM

As subjet line .......... decided this is the problem with my starter motor - wrong ring gear. Can't change to a pre-engaged starter as it fouls the exhaust so ...... needed.

(plus any ideas where you can get them new and how much?)

UncleFista - 29/4/06 at 10:59 PM

£40 inc the VAT from Burtons search for Part No: FP257B.

Fitting IIRC consists of heating the ring gear up and allowing it to shrink to fit whilst cooling.

ed_crouch - 30/4/06 at 06:42 AM

And I would imaging its a "one-shot" affair, cos if you get it half on or crooked and it grabs cos its cooled already, you may well knacker it!

Flywheel in the freezer (or just outside if you live near Skeggy), put the ring gear in the oven for 30 minutes. You may want to grant the missis a girls-night-out-exemption and excuse her from kitchen duties cos she'll go apesh*t otherwise.

The Bendix type ringears have a chamfer on one edge of the teeth, so make sure it goes on the right way around otherwise youre not going to solve the problem (assuming that the problem is the starter teeth not guiding into the ring-gear as the pinion flies out?)


P.S. never done one of these, but this is what comes to mind in the cold lght of day.

[Edited on 30/4/06 by ed_crouch]

nitram38 - 30/4/06 at 08:20 AM

I have never tried the oven way. I have just laid it on the ground with the ring squarely over the flywheel and then run the flame of an oxy setup, over it.
I guarantee that it will just drop on if you have the right ammount of heat.
You may get problems with the oven method if it is not hot enough as it may cool before it is fully on.
At least with a flame, you can keep it hot until it does drop on.


ed_crouch - 30/4/06 at 09:39 AM

Yep, its a good point!


HAL 1 - 30/4/06 at 04:16 PM

did same job on MGB, told oxy/acetylene could damage any ' hardening ' so used oven method gently tapping ring gear on, Mrs hal wasn't pleased with stud marks in vinyl left on kitchen floor afterwards !!

britishtrident - 30/4/06 at 05:20 PM

Puttting a torch flame on ring gear will ruin the heat treatment -- trad method is heat it in bath of burning sump oil.