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Mountney horn push wanted
gregf27 - 21/8/06 at 08:08 PM

Has anyone got a spare mountney horn button they dont want??
have had snags with mine making the connection work properly,(sierra column.)

there is two connecting wires on the back of it, but the metal contact seems to have sunk into the plastic , and is hard to press down, is there a similar brand one that works better ? astrali etc..

Just fitted some nautilus 140 decibal airhorns , and yep they are loud!!

trextr7monkey - 21/8/06 at 08:35 PM

We have one in the garage somewhere but no idea if it works or not - was used as a decorative centre as the horn remains on the end of the stalk. I'll dig it out and have a look!

givemethebighammer - 21/8/06 at 08:55 PM

Is this what you want ? If you measure the one you have and I'll see if the one below is the same.

(sorry for blurry photos)

[Edited on 21/8/06 by givemethebighammer] Rescued attachment horn.JPG
Rescued attachment horn.JPG

gregf27 - 22/8/06 at 12:29 AM

Thanks for the replies guys,
the diameter is 86mm,
hope its the same!!
let me know how much, ta

Mark Allanson - 22/8/06 at 05:57 PM

I have one, but they are rubbish - mine sets the horn off at random - very embarrassing.
I need to change the feed to the screen washer instead (I have no screen)

trextr7monkey - 24/8/06 at 01:43 PM

Hi ,
Ive found my Mountney horn button but there's no wires coming out of it at all so probably not an improvement on what you have unless it comes into bits easily?

gregf27 - 25/8/06 at 11:14 AM

I have just come in from the garage , after trying to see If I can wire up the wash/wipe switch to act for the horn, but I cant figure out how to wire it up!!
may see if I can dash mount it instead,
thanks for looking though,