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Complete Chassis
daKlone - 20/9/06 at 07:02 PM

I'm at that "shall I, shant I?" stage...shall I buy a chassis or build one?

If someone has got a good "wide" ( 46" ) chassis available for a decent price, I'd fall on the "shant" side. A McSorley +442 would be ideal.

I know I could buy one from Luego or GTS direct, but their prices are a little more than I'd like to pay.

Let me know if you've got one lying around, or if you know of one...


[Edited on 20/9/06 by daKlone]

StevieB - 20/9/06 at 07:10 PM

Have a look at GTS Tunings website (

They have a very good reputation and do a McSorely +4 chassis option. Prices are very reasonable too!

Not quite the same as building your own, but it depends on your skill and experience to date - personally, I can't weld and wouldn't trust myself to weld a chassis that I'm going to drive very fast around a track!

donut - 20/9/06 at 07:22 PM


Have a look at GTS Tunings website They have a very good reputation


graememk - 20/9/06 at 07:26 PM

personaly go for an mk , a well sorted chassis

graememk - 20/9/06 at 07:36 PM

the reason i didnt buy gts was due to all the complains that were floating around on here. however not so much in the last 6 months i must admit

why not look at the new mk chassis

Avoneer - 20/9/06 at 07:43 PM

If you are competent at welding and engineering and like sticky geometary, build your own.

It's very time consuming though and hard to get evrything right and remember everything.

I've bought one and made one. If I was doing another, I'd buy one.

As for which one to buy, see who's closest and cheapest as they are all based around the original design and all of them have good and bad points.


mistergrumpy - 20/9/06 at 07:57 PM

Building your own isn't so consuming. I've just about finished mine in less than 2 weeks, longs days. But to be honest and I know at least one other self builder who's said this to me, I'd buy one if I was to start again. About 500 quid and you can get cracking rather than worrying about tolerances, getting pissed off for cutting bits the wrong length and having to grind the welds down which is laborious and just annoys the neighbours to shite.

donut - 20/9/06 at 07:58 PM


help out lightweight owners like GTS are !!!

It's like the blind leading the blind

all in good humour and all that!!

StevieB - 20/9/06 at 08:33 PM

It's always fun - as soon as someone uses this forum for what it's intended for (asking questions to get proper answers) to ask about which chassis, it breaks out into 'locost civil war'!

PS - MK's are the best cars, everything else sucks because it's not wehat I chose!

donut - 20/9/06 at 08:36 PM

I don't really care who's is best anymore, they all have there good points and bad points.

As long as customers are getting good service then that's all that matters.

StevieB - 20/9/06 at 09:16 PM

That's a whole other issue and one that's very close to my heart!

coozer - 20/9/06 at 09:35 PM

MNR are leaning towards building locost chassis. Give them a bell.

daKlone - 20/9/06 at 09:55 PM

Erm, thanks guys...I think!

So has anyone got a chassis going cheap or not?

mistergrumpy mentioned a £500 jobbie - I've not seen any for this price, more like £750 to £1000. Not exactly "locost"?

[Edited on 20/9/06 by daKlone]

lexi - 20/9/06 at 10:29 PM

It does crop up often this matter of" I wouldn`t build a chassis again" I mean it`s a bit like doing the West Highland Way............Murder ..but don`t put everyone off it!
Building the chassis is part of the experience. It`s what makes these cars what they are.....Locosts. You will sharpen all your skills doing it which will enable you to tackle other stuff. Mmm...I`m sounding like Uncle Ron

donut - 21/9/06 at 07:44 AM

Chassis do pop up on ebay every now and then.

If you don't want to build your own chassis then GTS, MK, Luego, Stuart Taylor etc etc will be happy to sell you a chassis.

StevieB - 21/9/06 at 07:52 AM

Like I said before - if I had the equipment, exoperience and skills to do it well, I'd have given it a bash. As it is, I didn't have any of that.

I might give it a crack for the next one though, just so I can say I've done it!

donut - 21/9/06 at 08:24 AM

I fancy having a bash at 'doing it myself' but i have not got the patience. If i had a big double garage with loads of equipment then maybe i would.

StevieB - 21/9/06 at 01:54 PM

I forgot to mention the space thing. Wonder how the wife will take it when that kitchen extention turns out to be a larger garage next year!

scotty g - 21/9/06 at 05:24 PM

Your best bet is to keep an eye on ebay, in the last 2 weeks 2 have sold for about £250 and they both came with loads of bits as well.

daKlone - 21/9/06 at 06:32 PM

I have been monitoring the bay, but the only ones that come up are book chassis, no wide-boys

mistergrumpy - 21/9/06 at 07:41 PM

The one I mentioned for £500 is Here I'd just been looking before looking back at the site again. Forgot you mentioned a wide one though. They do come up on E bay though. I'm sure I saw one earlier described as Locost but bigger. I'll have a plough through.
Must've gone earlier today. Think it was a Vindicator?

[Edited on 21/9/06 by mistergrumpy]

daKlone - 22/9/06 at 07:26 AM

Cheers - I did see the Ace Sportscars chassis and even mentioned it on got a resounding "thumbs down" from pretty much everyone

I also saw the Vindicator chassis on the bay, but didn't really like the look of it - not 7 enough for me!