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X/flow alternator
Deckman001 - 11/11/06 at 02:29 PM

Hi all, anyone out there got a spare alt for a crossflow ?? Or anyone local got 1 I can borrow to make sure it's me alt that's at fault, not anything else ??

[Edited on 11/11/06 by Deckman001]

trextr7monkey - 11/11/06 at 04:23 PM

If you nip into your local branch of Lucas they will test your alternator for you and give you the low down on the state of it

scutter - 12/11/06 at 07:19 AM

I may have one Jason, any of the WLM going to Exeter, i could take it there or pop past if you across this way.

ATB Dan.

stevetzoid - 12/11/06 at 10:27 AM

Hi there, have you measured the output with a voltmeter with the engine running and then without the engine running this will show you if the alternator is working. You should see a voltage increase.
Steve Evans.

rusty nuts - 12/11/06 at 10:51 AM

Look for around 13.5v to 14.5v with engine running

scutter - 12/11/06 at 12:32 PM

Jason, i've just checked i have a 18ACR if it's any good to you?

ATB Dan.

Deckman001 - 12/11/06 at 02:57 PM

Hi guys, I have measured with a meter, it don't change from running to stopped it's just slightly less each time I've started it
Nice idea about getting it tested, I'll have to have a look to see where the nearest place is.
Dan, I'll get back to you, when is Exeter?.
I was hoping to go, But if it's next week, the kids have just triple booked us all with water polo comps and rehersals at the Royal Albert Hall


[Edited on 12/11/06 by Deckman001]

Deckman001 - 12/11/06 at 03:00 PM

Does the back of it look anything like this Dan ??

Image deleted by owner


scutter - 12/11/06 at 03:20 PM

Yes Jason, it's next weekend. The back looks similar execpt ths ones got a black plastic cover over it.

ATB Dan.

Deckman001 - 12/11/06 at 04:29 PM

I guess as long as it's off a crossflow it should fit ? I'll canvas the wlm and see if anyone can pick it up for me, how many beer tokens do I owe ya for it
