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Mk Indy Fuel Tank
Colnago_Man - 26/1/07 at 02:56 PM

As the title says.. Mk Indy Fuel Tank wanted for locost. Straps would be usefull too.


coozer - 26/1/07 at 03:48 PM

u2u deneo, he might be able to sort you out

Ivan - 26/1/07 at 05:03 PM

I know - I know - it's a dumb question but why can't you use the tank that came off the donor bike for a fuel tank - it was big enough for the bike after all

martinste - 28/1/07 at 09:32 PM

hi have got a plastic mk fuel tank with straps surplus to requirements. It has got a smiths fuel guage sender in it.
U2U me if any good.
cheers martin