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Chevy 350 and auto box
Simon - 30/6/07 at 04:55 PM


No, not for me

Friend is having a sense of humour with a VW camper and has just been let down on an engine.

He's looking for, primarily, a 350 Chevy and auto box, but will consider other "simple" American V8's (though obviously not the severely strangled versions)

He'd obviously prefer to see it running, even more preferably to drive it, but will consider engines sitting on a garage floor.

Also like a complete unit.

Does anyone a) have one; b) have a friend who has one; c) have any suggestions where he might get lucky (with an engine).

If you can help, could you please U2U me a phone no, and I'll pass it on.




froggy - 30/6/07 at 05:48 PM

i tested a subaru powered camper last week and although it was scary it would have been a lot nicer with a mid mounted v8 but then everything is nicer with a v8

p.s any chance i can buy the manifolds back?

Simon - 30/6/07 at 06:20 PM


One of the manifolds got slightly abused (I needed to weld new flanges for turbo mounting). One done (ie has no flange, though it'd be easy to put another on) other as Rover made it.

If you still wanted, let me know.

