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wanted tv dvd combi
ricklawn - 31/8/07 at 07:12 PM

Hi Guys
Not realy car related i know but i am looking for a tv dvd combi for ue in a wagon (12v) any caravan shop sells them but prices are stupid. so i thought i would try on here first. any sugestions???

ricklawn - 31/8/07 at 07:13 PM

sorry just put this in wanted section and it has come back on here .. so please ignore..

lsdweb - 31/8/07 at 07:23 PM

Buy a cheap one from Tesco etc and use an inverter?

ChrisGamlin - 31/8/07 at 07:24 PM

this IS the wanted section, the one in the BEC section is the one you want to delete

mitch2b - 31/8/07 at 08:54 PM

50 quid in asda at the moment


Dazza - 1/9/07 at 06:34 PM

good/bad old fleabay, always plenty of that on there. u can get a cheap flip up dvd player/screen, but if you need tv to, then cost a bit more...

ebay or supermarkets prob best bet....