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Speedo etc.
Chippy - 16/10/07 at 03:31 PM

Not sure I'm on the correct place here, but here goes.
I am trying to find suppliers of clocks, Speedo, Tach, oil pessure, water temp, etc. but not having much luck in my search, mainly because I am looking for a cable driven speedo, (ala Smiths type). Any body got and info on good sites to check out. Cheers Ray

Bigheppy - 16/10/07 at 03:39 PM

Take a look at europaspares

iank - 16/10/07 at 03:50 PM

I noticed a while back that SpeedyCables (i.e. the company the modifies mechanical speedos for diff+tyres) also sells gauges new. No idea if they are competitive on price, but they have a good range of styles if you must have mechanical.

[Edited on 16/10/07 by iank]

mark chandler - 16/10/07 at 07:56 PM

Why not get an electric one then get a cable to electric convertor.

Classic range rovers after around 91 have one of these bolted to the chassis, should only cost a couple of £££ from someone like this linky thing