I'm looking for a pair of headlight bowls that can fit the classic mini headlights.
Best Regards
You can buy them in steel or plastic from any Mini supplier quite reasonably priced.
Sorry! I dind't explain! I need a Pair of bowls like the ones in the picture:
preferably not chrome!
It's of no help whatsoever, but you just missed a set on fleabay. Went for £12.58 or thereabouts.
Keep looking, they turn up all the time.
I also saw this
The problem is that RHD headlights cannot be assembled on a LHD car (my case). So I have to buy the bowls and the headlights separately.
These bowls for instance are ok, but here can I buy 7" LHD lights ? The mini headlights are bigger right?
I think one of the wiring/electrical suppliers used to be able to provide LHD equivelants. I can't remember who (might be
PREMIER WIRING) but I'm sure someone else must of seen it??? you could give prem wiring a call on
01506 883 886 just in case I was right!
Thanks! On the site they have it, but i sent an email to see if they can supply it...