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Wanted type 2 gt box reverse gate
andrews_45 - 18/1/08 at 12:27 PM

Just on the off chance, does anybody have the little 'keyed' block that you tap into the end of your gearbox to act as a reverse gate? Mine is missing...

Its for a escort type 2 gt box. Ta

Hammerhead - 18/1/08 at 12:51 PM

do you mean the reverse ident piece of aluminium? I might have one from a type 9 as I have fitted a lever extension and that part is not needed.

phil m - 18/1/08 at 05:17 PM

Do you mean this thing?

phil m - 18/1/08 at 05:18 PM

try againImage deleted by owner

andrews_45 - 20/1/08 at 11:07 AM

Cheers chaps, thats the one...

Interesting key ring, I'm sure there's a story behind that?

Anybody got a spare one?