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Zetec Oil Pickup Pipe
MKMike - 21/4/08 at 09:54 PM


I'm looking for an steel oil pickup for a blacktop zetec to modify my one came with the plastic type.

I think a phase 1 or 2 will fit.


stevebubs - 21/4/08 at 11:14 PM

Pretty sure my 2.0 mondeo blacktop (W plate) came with a steel pickup....

stevebubs - 21/4/08 at 11:27 PM

Don't think a new one was that much from a dealer, either....

ChrisW - 22/4/08 at 01:43 AM

I'm slightly confused as to exactly what you want.....

I have a pickup from a 2.0 silver top Zetec, which is steel (I assume - certainly not plastic)

Will that work for you?


tim windmill - 22/4/08 at 06:42 AM

my 2.0l blacktop from a 1998 mondeo was a steel pick up.

MKMike - 22/4/08 at 09:16 AM

Yes it's a black plastic one, I read about this on an other post a while back, aparently some of the 1.8 phase 3 zetecs had a plastic pickup and some has a steel one.