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Seats for book chassis Locost
madforfishing - 23/11/03 at 10:05 AM

Looking for a pair of seats and harnesses for my book chassis Locost. (narrow)
Prefer leather / vinyl, colour not important.
Mountings not important.
Harnesses preferably 4 point, again colour not important.
Cash waiting.

Fifer - 23/11/03 at 04:31 PM

In my opinion, "Cobra" Roadster 7 seats are the best bet. See their site for details.
They are around 175 quid

RoadkillUK - 23/11/03 at 07:38 PM

Make some, cost me £8 in wood, £5 in glue and the entire leather interior from a Volvo for £30. Plenty left over for the trim.

madforfishing - 23/11/03 at 08:40 PM

Roadkill, I saw yours on the did a good job, you could set up a little enterprise and sell them. Will have another look at your pics.

madforfishing - 24/11/03 at 07:29 AM

Further to my post earlier, if you check my date of birth on my profile you will see I am 33 and a 1/2 on xmas day.
Last day for posting parcels is around 19th Dec.
Otherwise put them under the tree in the dining room.
Thanks, expectantly...

MK9R - 24/11/03 at 10:26 AM

How about some of these??

ali seats

Staple balls - 24/11/03 at 03:39 PM

are those seats SVA friendly?

MK9R - 24/11/03 at 03:41 PM

not tried yet, but cannot see why not. All edges are covered in rubber and the holes are all bell mouthed.

RoadkillUK - 24/11/03 at 06:30 PM

Thought I was finished with them but I've got to skin 'em again as I forgot to leave a gap for the lower seatbelt mountings.