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Gear Lever surround - can someone make it please
saigonij - 17/8/08 at 12:24 PM


Can someone make this for me please? out of 3-4mm ali. I will pay for it.

It needs a bend in the middle - which is why i need it made.


BenB - 17/8/08 at 12:36 PM

If you want a crisp bend then you'll need quite thin material.

It sounds like a perfect job for Water Jetting Scotland!!!

Ask them to make it out of thin ali (3mm if that's minimum) and stick it in a vice.... Voila...

Humbug - 17/8/08 at 12:44 PM

Not too difficult to make it yourself if you've got a jigsaw

saigonij - 17/8/08 at 12:53 PM

i want it to look professional - which is why i dont want to make it myself!!!!!

Who are Water Jetting Scotland?

BenB - 17/8/08 at 12:55 PM

andyw7de on this list is water jet scotland

saigonij - 17/8/08 at 12:59 PM

just sent them an email.

have you used them before?

indykid - 17/8/08 at 01:26 PM

you currently have the radii on the corners the same on the inside and outside.

it might be worth specifying it with concentric radii to tidy it up a little if you're having it water jetted.

imho of course

andyw7de - 17/8/08 at 02:03 PM

Hi ian,

Got your mail ok, Ill draw up the surround on autocad and get a price to you for Monday, what size fixing holes do you want.

Ive got some 3mm Ali in stock so can do right away, wont be expensive

Many thanks


the_fbi - 17/8/08 at 02:10 PM

FYI - Its well worth installing eMachineshop from

(direct download )

Not only will this allow you to design parts, you can get them quoted, view them in 3D and export to a number of formats which can then be imported by other people to CNC (waterjet, mill, etc) which reduces their time and hence your cost. + you get exactly what you designed not how somebody else interpreted it.

I admit, unless you want a few hundred parts there's little point using their online ordering facility, but the cost feature is nice so you can value engineer the part.

Its the perfect tool for knocking up this project, viewing it and exporting for somebody to make you one.

the_fbi - 17/8/08 at 02:29 PM

gear surround
gear surround

saigonij - 17/8/08 at 02:49 PM

WOW! that looks great!

My friend Bill has his gear lever in the same position, so i will need two.

AndyW7de - i was going to use some m6 button head bolts, so cani have the holes M6 please.

wow, this is great, thank you every body.

saigonij - 17/8/08 at 02:50 PM

and Andyw7de - can you do the concentric radii as indykid suggests?

( the reason they are the same is cause i knocked it up in word! )

cryoman1965 - 17/8/08 at 03:47 PM

Contact rebelrider from this site. Good work and Price.


andyw7de - 17/8/08 at 05:36 PM

Holes and radii not a problem



matt_claydon - 17/8/08 at 07:50 PM

Would be interested to know your price for making these Andy - it would be a good guide as to what this kind of work costs.

saigonij - 18/8/08 at 07:04 AM

Cheers Andyw7de - i gave you my mob number in the email, so just let me know what the price is - im not always able to answer the phone at work so just leave a message.

cheers for the help. :-)

andyw7de - 18/8/08 at 08:34 AM

Ok guys the drawing is done the costs are calculated

To cut the gear suround from 3mm Aluminium

£3.00 inc postage

Obviosly still needs painting or polishing by your own fair hands

can also countersink the holes if required



saigonij - 18/8/08 at 05:03 PM

cheers mate, i got your email earlier. look forward to seeing the pictures this evening.