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Bike carbs cheap on Ebay
Nick Skidmore - 28/5/24 at 09:36 AM

A set of carbs, might be useful for someone to bag a bargain. Ex me.

russbost - 29/5/24 at 07:16 AM

Nick, I see you're providing rebuild kits with the carbs, are they absolutely complete &, to best of your knowledge, in decent condition. How much are you hoping to make of them?

Has anyone on here used these carbs on a 2L Pinto & how much hassle to fit & get running nicely - I obviously accept I need to make a suitable manifold

Nick Skidmore - 29/5/24 at 07:24 AM

These are off a single seater that I built '95 to '98 and sold in 2002, I bought it back in December for old times sake to restore as I couldn't bear the thought of it being buggered about with. The last use was 2007 and it had been stored well so a strip clean and rebuild with that kit should see them fine. I ran on a set of borrowed FCR 39's back in the day so have bought a new set just for the sound..

Would like to see near 100 but make an offer, you can get moulded k+n filters for these, I may have a set you can have but they are crumpled by the roll bar stays..

[Edited on 29/5/24 by Nick Skidmore]

russbost - 29/5/24 at 07:30 AM

I've only ever played with bike carbs on bike engines - would these be suitable for the 2L Pinto, did you run with an airbox or socks. what engine where they on?
Price? - PM me if you prefer

Cheers Russ

Nick Skidmore - 29/5/24 at 07:50 AM

They ran on a Yamaha FZR 1000 Genesis which is an earier engine than the EXUP but spacing is the same. They woul just need a bit of set up, pilot jet does idle, slide needle does mid range and main jet WOT. Jets are std. Mikuni and freely available - I should have some in the spares which you can have. I'll pm you.

There are a moulded pair, 2 x 2 of k and n filters made for these, I may have them but a bit crumpled. They would best best, I used them in place of the air box.

[Edited on 29/5/24 by Nick Skidmore]