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O/T kunbutu on usb install
Dangle_kt - 21/12/08 at 11:21 PM

After all the advise from you guys,I thought I'd post up to say i am writing this from a copy of kubutu 8.10 installed on my usb flash drive.

impressive stuff.

i can't log into ebay, but that is nothing installing Firefox won't fix.

I'm well chuffed!

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/12/08 at 11:44 PM

Welcome to the darkside

tegwin - 22/12/08 at 09:01 AM

Pfft... If you were using Ubuntu life would be easier... it comes with firefox :p

David Jenkins - 22/12/08 at 09:07 AM

I struggled through the weekend to get any of the latest variants of Unbuntu (inc. Xubuntu and Mint) onto an antique laptop, without success - it's just got too big for the old girl. I can load the 'alternative' ISOs for Ubuntu and Xubuntu - the ones that don't use graphics while installing - but the end result doesn't read my graphics chipset properly, and they've blocked the way I'd normally fix it. It's also agonisingly slow when running. It's not really Ubuntu's fault - life moves on, and they can't be expected to keep making allowances for the antiques.

The only thing that annoys me is that Windows 2000 still works quite well on this old laptop, despite the limited resources (I swap the hard disk as the mood takes me - Linux on one, Windoze on the other).

I'm now putting Puppy Linux onto it - that goes faster off the CD-ROM than Ubuntu off the hard disk! But that is the point of Puppy - lean and not resource hungry.

Dangle_kt - 22/12/08 at 12:16 PM

Just been reading up on puppy - sounds exactly what I'm after for my mum and dads old laptop I'm "borrowing"...

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I struggled through the weekend to get any of the latest variants of Unbuntu (inc. Xubuntu and Mint) onto an antique laptop, without success - it's just got too big for the old girl. I can load the 'alternative' ISOs for Ubuntu and Xubuntu - the ones that don't use graphics while installing - but the end result doesn't read my graphics chipset properly, and they've blocked the way I'd normally fix it. It's also agonisingly slow when running. It's not really Ubuntu's fault - life moves on, and they can't be expected to keep making allowances for the antiques.

The only thing that annoys me is that Windows 2000 still works quite well on this old laptop, despite the limited resources (I swap the hard disk as the mood takes me - Linux on one, Windoze on the other).

I'm now putting Puppy Linux onto it - that goes faster off the CD-ROM than Ubuntu off the hard disk! But that is the point of Puppy - lean and not resource hungry.

britishtrident - 22/12/08 at 01:39 PM

Latest version of Puppy is very slick indeed.

Rob Lane - 1/1/09 at 11:28 AM

Yep, been using Puppy for a while on a Dell Inspiron 7500 I bought from LB .

It is as fast as my windoze Sony Vaio !!

Love the fast start up time. 30 seconds and I'm opening Sea Monkey (Browser), 1 minute and I'm on here !