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Not Suspicious?
Guinness - 15/7/08 at 08:23 AM

A man who was found with his head decapitated by a chainsaw was fighting to stay in a block of 70 flats in Hampshire cleared for redevelopment.

David Phyall, 50, was the last tenant at the Atlantic Housing Ltd housing association flats in Eastleigh.

His body was found by police on 5 July, who said his death was not suspicious. Post-mortem tests showed he died of a "complete transection of the neck".

An inquest was opened and adjourned at Winchester Coroner's Court on Friday.

"There's nothing suspicious about the death" said a spokesman for coroner.

A spokesman for the coroner said: "As far as we know nobody else was involved.

"There's nothing suspicious about the death. It was in his flat on Bodmin Road

WTF, that's about as suspicious as it gets.

Move along, there's nothing to see here.

Linky to BBC

eznfrank - 15/7/08 at 08:41 AM

Me and my colleague were talking about this yesterday (we're both investigators) and we couldn't figure it out either.

Perhaps he was practicing for the latest hardcore sport - extreme shaving??

Mr Whippy - 15/7/08 at 11:37 AM

he just slipped when preparing his dinner...

iank - 15/7/08 at 12:34 PM

The only way it couldn't be suspicious is if he was inside his locked flat with bolts across the door and he'd left a note verified to be in his handwriting.

Hardly a usual method of suicide, and not easy to achieve a complete transection I'd imagine.

carpmart - 15/7/08 at 12:54 PM

I would imagine it could be achieved as follows; fasten the running chainsaw to something firm that will hold it and a good bit of additional pressure, then lock the throttle open and 'throw' your neck at it!

That may have the desired effect?

Mr Whippy - 15/7/08 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
I would imagine it could be achieved as follows; fasten the running chainsaw to something firm that will hold it and a good bit of additional pressure, then lock the throttle open and 'throw' your neck at it!

That may have the desired effect?

The blood splattered all over the room effect?

what a outrageous way to kill yourself, what’s next? Death by giant blender, with the lid off??

[Edited on 15/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

mistergrumpy - 15/7/08 at 10:14 PM

^ That reminds me of the taxi driver in Manchester about 10 years ago. Tied a rope around his neck then to the lampost then floored his taxi

rusty nuts - 15/7/08 at 10:21 PM

There was a doctor using a chain saw a few years ago near Huntingdon that managed to rip open his throat.

iank - 16/7/08 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
There was a doctor using a chain saw a few years ago near Huntingdon that managed to rip open his throat.

Partially ripping out your throat isn't uncommon with chainsaws that hit something hard and kickback. Taking the entire head off means you need some preparation as you pass out/die well before it's all the way through.

What a nice thread

Mr Whippy - 16/7/08 at 02:44 PM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by rusty nuts
There was a doctor using a chain saw a few years ago near Huntingdon that managed to rip open his throat.

Partially ripping out your throat isn't uncommon with chainsaws that hit something hard and kickback. Taking the entire head off means you need some preparation as you pass out/die well before it's all the way through.

What a nice thread

surely if you cut from the front to the back then you could still hold the chainsaw till your spinal cord was severed, then your head would just flop forwards due to the weight and finish the job...easy anyone offer to test this hypothesis, there is a set of headlights in it for the winner?

Oh it's a lovely thread

chrisg - 16/7/08 at 06:25 PM

According to the Daily mirror he taped up the switch and had the saw plugged into a timer, laid down with the saw across his throat and waited.




Spyderman - 17/7/08 at 12:10 PM

If he lived in a block of flats why would he have a chainsaw?
Why kill himself whilst fighting to save his flat?
Why make it look like suicide when surely a dose of pills and drink would be easier and less painful?

Mr Whippy - 17/7/08 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Spyderman
If he lived in a block of flats why would he have a chainsaw?
Why kill himself whilst fighting to save his flat?
Why make it look like suicide when surely a dose of pills and drink would be easier and less painful?

why indeed would the guy who -

'According to the Daily mirror he taped up the switch and had the saw plugged into a timer, laid down with the saw across his throat and waited'

not do something sensible...